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목포시 부동산중개업의 현황 분석

이용수 54

An Analysis of the Present State of Real Estate Brokerage in Mokpo
최승영(Choi Seung Yeong)
간행물 정보
『부동산학보』부동산학보 제25집, 36~53쪽, 전체 18쪽
경제경영 > 경제학

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1. CONTENTS (1) RESEARCH OBJECTIVES There have been rapidly socioeconomic environmental changes like the real estate service open related to the UR negotiation, the open of Honam Express railroad and Seohaean highway, the construct of Muan international airport and Mokpo new outer harbor, the movement of Jeonnam provincial office from Kwangju to Mokpo, the city of business in Muan , J-project, and so on. In Mokpo, however the real estate brokerage is very underdeveloped because the real estate brokers have been not only adapted in rapidly social environmental changes, but also deal with the new approach methods to the real estate brokerage. This study aims to propose the developmental plan of the real estate brokerage through analyzing the real estate brokerage situation in Mokpo. (2) RESEARCH METHOD For this study, there was used statistical analysis with questionary survey doing for the real estate brokerage agencies in Mokpo. And conduct reserch literature and statistical data. (3) RESEARCH RESULTS This study can notify the three research results. Firstly, there were too many brokerage agencies competing with one another in the district and the business size of the real estate brokerage agencies were very small. Furthermore, the basis of business was extremely weak. Next, most real estate brokerage agencies were dependent on open listing and the contents of the real estate brokerage were not diversified. Additionally the annual income from the real estate brokerage was very low. Lastly, it was not ready for only informationization and globalization in the region, but for also continuous education for improving their professionalism. 2. RESULTS These findings suggest that it need to strengthen the education for developing professionalism and also early introduce the advanced real estate brokerage for developing Mokpo's real estate business. In addition, the real estate brokerage agencies need to associate other agencies for being the scale and competitive real estate brokerage, and they need to offer the complex service. Throughout the multiple listing and exclusive agency listing, they need to expand the fairness of the exchange and income. Futhermore, they need to try to improve their competence of foreign language and ready the current thoughts of the world informationization and globalization. 3. KEY WORDS real estate brokerage, exclusive agency listing, multiple listing, specialization, globalization


Ⅰ. 서론
Ⅱ. 부동산중개업 일반
Ⅲ. 부동산중개업 등록 현황
Ⅳ. 목포시 부동산중개업 현황 분석
Ⅴ. 결론 및 제안


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최승영(Choi Seung Yeong). (2005).목포시 부동산중개업의 현황 분석. 부동산학보, 25 , 36-53


최승영(Choi Seung Yeong). "목포시 부동산중개업의 현황 분석." 부동산학보, 25.(2005): 36-53

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