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개혁개방이후 중국의 주택시장형성과정과 현황에 관한 소고

이용수 60

A Study on the Procedure of Housing Market Formation after China's Economic Reform and Current Market Situation
우경(Woo Kyoung)
간행물 정보
『부동산학보』부동산학보 제25집, 5~17쪽, 전체 13쪽
경제경영 > 경제학

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1. CONTENTS (1) RESEARCH OBJECTIVES China has conducted the policy for housing commodification over 20 years. There were many mistakes during conducting housing policy and finally succeeded to establish the market system of house commodity. The purpose of this study is to study the procedure of housing reform after China's economic reform and formation of housing market in the China after economic reform. Also, this study examines the situation of current housing market and forecast the future housing market in China. (2) RESEARCH METHOD This study review the previous articles, reports and related data in order to study the procedure of housing reform in China over 20 years. Based on the analyzed results, this study also find the factors that China could succeed in housing reform and examine the growth of housing market. Finally, this study forecast future of housing market in China. (3) RESEARCH RESULTS It took 20 years to perform the housing reform in China and the key factors that China could succeed in their housing policy were that China Government gave up the government distribution system and adopted private house market system. Also the accumulation of fund for house purchase was the key factor that China could the succeed and the fund definitely contributed the formation of free house market in China. 2. RESULTS The housing market in China could be set up because China Government gave up free housing distribution policy and housing market grew very rapidly due to the system of house purchase fund. 3. KEY WORDS Housing Commodification, Economic Reform, Housing Reform, free housing distribution system


Ⅰ. 서론
Ⅱ. 중국의 주택시장 형성과정
Ⅲ. 중국 주택시장의 현안과제
Ⅳ. 주택시장 안정을 위한 주요 정책 및 효과
Ⅴ. 요약 및 결론


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우경(Woo Kyoung). (2005).개혁개방이후 중국의 주택시장형성과정과 현황에 관한 소고. 부동산학보, 25 , 5-17


우경(Woo Kyoung). "개혁개방이후 중국의 주택시장형성과정과 현황에 관한 소고." 부동산학보, 25.(2005): 5-17

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