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韓國과 日本에서의 相對國 敎育硏究 分析

이용수 35

A Comparative Analysis of Studies of the Counterpart's Education in Korea and Japan
시마 아쓰꼬(shima Atsuko)
간행물 정보
『비교교육연구』비교교육연구 제8권 제1호, 115~144쪽, 전체 30쪽
사회과학 > 교육학

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This thesis is an attempt to analyze the studies of the counterpart's education in Japan and Korea since 1945. The characteristics of their educational studies are, so to speak, the differences between Koreans and Japanese. That is to say, it is difficult to tell the differences on the surface, but we can identify them when we look further into the educational studies in the two countries. The differences are reflected in the characteristics of the nations, relationships with other countries, social conditions, and the trends of academic circles. The main characteristics are as follows. 1) Except for the doctoral theses, the Japanese began studying Korean education earlier than Koreans began researching Japanese education. The number of studies on Korean education in Japan is greater than the number of studies on Japanese education in Korea. The method of collecting materials and their domains also started to diversify earlier in Japan than in Korea. 2) Japanese education researchers studied Korean education for the purpose of understanding foreign countries rather than educational reform, but Korean education researchers studied Japanese education so that they could improve their present conditions. 3) The methods of collecting materials in Japan are less apt to be recorded clearly than in Korea. It is common to Korea and Japan that the method referring to sundry records is used il10re frequently in studies by a researcher than in joint researches. 4) Japanese researchers are more apt to study developing countries as compared with Korean researchers. 5) Most research reports in Korea are made up of a foreword, introduction, main body. and conclusion while in Japan, they consist of only an introduction and main body. 6) Korean researchers publish the results of their research mostly through books and reports, but Japanese researchers present the results of their studies mostly in journals. 7) The main three areas of educational research studied in Korea are curriculum. guide of students' learning. subject, educational] administration. finance, and lifelong education while the ones in Japan are educational administration. finance, curriculum . guide of students' learning. subject, and investigation of the ways of thinking or the sense of value. 8) In comparison, the Japanese researchers show a stronger their studies on a long term basis than Korean researchers. The following recommendations based on this analysis tendency to continue are offered for the improvement of studies of the counterpart's education in Korea and Japan. First, Korean and Japanese researchers should work together in their educational studies. After comparing the two reports made by Koreans and Japanese separately, they should make a final report. Second, dormitories at the universities which have international exchange programs should be offered to the investigators, who ha\'e come from their home country in order that they can stay in their counterpart's country and conduct field surveys. Third, it is desirable that a scientific society established with comparative educational studies distribute their journals to institutes and academic societies in foreign countries as well as the purpose of comparative educational studies. the aim of activating universities, research their own country for Fourth, it is necessary to have bilingual Korean and Japanese researchers. Fifth, we need to not only learn the language of the counterpart's country, but also to understand the characteristics of the nation through academic exchange and cultivating close relationships with the researchers of the counterpart's country, Sixth, there is apt to be a fixed idea that developing countries are immature, and that advanced nations precede other countries, but we should not think that we can not learn anything from other developing countries, Seventh, comparativ


Ⅱ.한국과 일본에서의 상대국 연구
Ⅲ.한국과 일본에서의 상대국 교육연구의 추이
Ⅳ.상대국 교육연구 목적 및 방법
Ⅴ.상대국 교육연구 영역 및 연구물의 종류
Ⅵ.상대국 교육연구 주관 기관 및 연구 참여자


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시마 아쓰꼬(shima Atsuko). (1998).韓國과 日本에서의 相對國 敎育硏究 分析. 비교교육연구, 8 (1), 115-144


시마 아쓰꼬(shima Atsuko). "韓國과 日本에서의 相對國 敎育硏究 分析." 비교교육연구, 8.1(1998): 115-144

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