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유치원의 국제 이해 교육 실천 내용 분석

이용수 55

Practice of Education for International Understanding in Korea Kindergarten
간행물 정보
『비교교육연구』비교교육연구 제8권 제1호, 145~168쪽, 전체 24쪽
사회과학 > 교육학

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Early childhood education systems should encourage young children to see themselves not only as citizens of our country, but also as citizens of the wider world. Nevertheless, Korean society is not ready to perceive international and global perspectives in the kindergarten curriculum. Schools are, of course, not the only source of information on international Issues, However, schools can provide and help young children to understand the complexity of international issues, accept cultural diversity and dispel stereotypes. In the present study, practices in evaluated according to the perspectives early childhood education were of education for international understanding. To carry out this task, first, 40 daily schedules were analyzed. Second, the results of one day observation in group time activities were analyzed. Analyses indicated that: 1) The frequencies of the total activities in our culture were half of the frequencies in a foreign culture. Teachers must be aware of the balance in the amount of activities between ours and foreign cultures. So it is necessary to select activities that will provide children with the necessary experiences to explore cultural diversity within the principle that everyone has a culture. 2) The goal in our culture was established to gam identity and attitude as Korean. However, for the case of foreign culture, it was intended to teach the facts of the foreign country. Teachers need to encourage children to explore the similarities and differences among people. All children need to affirm and foster knowledge and pride in their cultural identity. 3) In self-selective activities, regardless of the cultural differences, children tended to choose activities which were prepared with ample educational materials. Teachers need to prepare educational materials to connect cultural activities to individual children. Further, teachers must be aware of the importance of connecting cultural activities to concrete, daily life. 4) Implemented methods in both free-selective and group time activities fall into the trap of a tourist approach. Teachers need to have cultural diversity permeate the daily life of the classroom, through frequent, concrete, hands-on experiences related to young children's interests. 5) Teachers showed preference for a single teaching method and strategy implemented in the same way. They must be willing to listen to children and encourage them to express ideas related in cultures. Teachers must create a climate of openness where children can discuss freely and integrate learning about diversity in culture and gender roles.


Ⅱ.이론적 배경
Ⅲ.연구 방법
Ⅳ.결과 및 해석


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김숙자. (1998).유치원의 국제 이해 교육 실천 내용 분석. 비교교육연구, 8 (1), 145-168


김숙자. "유치원의 국제 이해 교육 실천 내용 분석." 비교교육연구, 8.1(1998): 145-168

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