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통일한국에 대비한 남북한 대학교육의 변천과정 및 지원체제에 관한 연구

이용수 95

A Comparative Study on Higher Education Transition Processes and Support System in South and North Korea for Unification
김의석(Kim Eui-Suk)
간행물 정보
『비교교육연구』비교교육연구 제8권 제1호, 49~77쪽, 전체 29쪽
사회과학 > 교육학

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By analyzing and comparing a high educational system in North and South Korea, recovering Korean homogenecity and establishing a peaceful reunification from heterogenicity for the past 50 years. And studying history, curriculum and supporting system of 2 sides is good for deep understanding each other. In the South and North Korea, they established national system and dissolved national educational passion from foundation and expansion of higher education system depending upon each social characteristics after independence from Japan. And they have a policy for enlargement of opportunity in higher educational system. They were different from ideology. South Korea education system has been developed for higher educational system for autonomy depending upon economic development. But, North Korea education system has been developed for socialism construction. This fact in South and North Korea education system means openness in South and closeness in North. In higher education system, junior college in South have a relatively educated students joining with industrial field and North have educated students for scholarship and theory. In university of North they educated students for elite but in almost college except Kim II-Sung University, they educated students for scholarship and skill. A research method for comparing changed processes through printed matters is comparing both sides by checking openness, diversity, productivity and effectiveness by establishing authority cited In the openness aspect, South education system have a system with higher reality value, North have a special closeness in the excellence aspect and South students are different from each university. North students are not different from excellence since they took a negative view of skill-education. In the diversity aspect, both nations have commonly different education. In curriculum, South does not have difference between elite and non-elite. South have an autonomy for higher education depending upon desires of social system and students, but North does not have autonomy due to strong national control. So, south students can choose various curriculum, but North can't. In support system aspect, it is controlled by nation in North but South have a relatively autonomy. From this facts, we can prospect South have higher administrative efficiency from speciality and North have a central1-control system. So, they do not have a speciality for education. Conclusively, South education system are influenced by economic factors and North influenced by political factors. But both nations respect higher education as important national development index and their peoples have commonly a higher desire for education. Each education system was developed according to its social characteristics and functions having elite education and people education. so both nation have a different higher education system and transition process. There have been much limitation between South and North due to ideology and a political parallelism for discussing North Korea until now. But recently we can get some chances for deep discussion about North education systems. So comparing and analysing education systems with the transition processes which are much differences between both sides is very careful and difficult study. And promoting each merit from 2 sides are encouraging to understand each other's situation after unification of South and North. And there are not same things for showing a mode of unification. South suggested that depending on democratic philosophy, one people, one nation, one system and one government, on the other hand, North, one people, one nation, 2 systems and 2 governments, focusing on social classes, especially Kim II Sung's dictatorship. So anyway we can also easily find differences of educational goals from South and North. True nationalism is important for


Ⅱ.이론적 배경과 비교의 영역 및 준거 설정
Ⅲ.남,북한 대학교육의 변천과정
Ⅳ.남.북한 대학교육의 지원체제
Ⅴ.요약, 결론 및 제언


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김의석(Kim Eui-Suk). (1998).통일한국에 대비한 남북한 대학교육의 변천과정 및 지원체제에 관한 연구. 비교교육연구, 8 (1), 49-77


김의석(Kim Eui-Suk). "통일한국에 대비한 남북한 대학교육의 변천과정 및 지원체제에 관한 연구." 비교교육연구, 8.1(1998): 49-77

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