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캐나다 교육에서의 인종문제

이용수 226

Racism in Canadian Education
이제봉(jebong lee)
간행물 정보
『비교교육연구』비교교육연구 제8권 제1호, 79~97쪽, 전체 19쪽
사회과학 > 교육학

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1:1 문의
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This paper analyzes some complex consequences of racism in Canadian education, and introduces multicultural model and anti-racism education as the institutional responses to racism. The manifestations of racism are illustrated by examining the components of the educational system. This study shows how racism is woven into the formal curriculum and influences the ways in which knowledge is structured, valued,' and transmitted. Examples of bias in curriculum content are provided to show how teaching materials and subject matter can minimize the contributions of racial minorities. The importance of the hidden curriculum is also noted in creating a negative and hostile physical and social environment for students of colour. Racism in the schools is reflected in the ethnocentric attitudes, assumptions, and practices of White teachers and other educators who fail to acknowledge their own racial biases. The evidence of racism in educational institutions is demonstrated by the failure of boards and schools to develop an inclusive and equitable relationship with racial-minority parents and communities. As institutional responses to racism, muticultural education and anti-racism model have been developed. Multiculturalism, as government policy and later as legislation, provided the moral and empirical foundation on which to move away from the monocultural orientation. Many school boards graduaIIy developed policies, programs, and practices intended to create a learning environment that respected the cultures of all students. Initiatives were introduced that focussed on the histories, traditions, and lifestyles of diverse cultures. Cultural pluralism, or muticultural education in its most effective expression, acknowledged the reality of diversity in Canadian society and aimed to produce students who were more tolerant, respectful, and understanding of cultural differences. The central thrust of anti-racism education, is to change institutional and organizational policies and practices that have a discriminatory impact and to change individual attitudes and behaviors that reinforce racial bias and inequality. It has motivated some boards of education to develop new policies and has acted as a catalyst for the gradual introduction of various initiatives, including the training of educators in anti-racism reviews of personnel practices an analysis of assessment and placement procedures the introduction of employment equity strategies a review of curriculum materials to identify for racial bias, and the development of anti-racism curriculum resources and strategies.


Ⅱ.학교교육에서 나타나는 인종주의
Ⅲ.인종주의에 대처하는 교육
Ⅳ.요약 및 결론


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이제봉(jebong lee). (1998).캐나다 교육에서의 인종문제. 비교교육연구, 8 (1), 79-97


이제봉(jebong lee). "캐나다 교육에서의 인종문제." 비교교육연구, 8.1(1998): 79-97

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