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<석보상절>과 <월인석보>의 진언표기 연구

이용수 336

A Study on the Spelling System of Mantras in &
안주호(Ahn Joo-Hoh)
간행물 정보
『한국언어문학』한국언어문학 제51집, 163~189쪽, 전체 27쪽
어문학 > 한국어와문학

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This paper is concerned with investigating the mantra spelling of & , which seems to be the earliest literature since the invention of the Korean alphabet system. In mantras are inserted in the main bodies of volumes 10, 19, and 21. They are highly valued as the first mantras (phonetically) spelled in Korean as pronounced. The mantra spelling in is very distinctive, showing a great deal of difference from the pronunciation of Chinese characters in Dongguk-Jeongun(東國正韻) system and also from the spelling system of which is deemed as the first authentic mantra book. The differences studied in the paper are summarized as follow. 1) The presence of '引' next to the phonetic representation of Chinese characters specifically indicates the long (drawling) sound of Sanskrit, telling that it should be read in a long sound: 2) When the letter of "口" is inscribed on the righthand side, this indicates a curled lateral sound retroflex pronounced with the tongue curled up. In Sanskrit retroflex was highly developed, and to differentiate it from normal sounds letter "口" was placed on the right: 3) the side point(傍點) inscription is clearly made in mantra spelling: 4) In cases of variance from typical pronunciation of Chinese characters, they are spelled in direct pronunciation method and Ban-Jeol-Beop, and: 5) In comparison with the , which can be considered as a guide for mantra spelling, the same letters(各自竝書 ) is present, the letter ‘ㆆ’ is used as the final found, and the Chidu-um(齒頭音, ㅅ, ㅈ, ㅊ) and the Jeongchi-um(整齒音, ㅅ, ㅈ, ㅊ) are used. 'This spelling method is a kind of compromise between the recited pronunciation in those days and the Dongguk-Jeongun(東國正韻) phonetic spelling of Chinese characters that followed in the main body.


1. 머리말
2. 진언표기의 역사적 과정
3. <석보상절>과 <월인석보>의 진언표기
4. 동국정운식 표기와의 비교
5. <오대진언(五大眞言)> 표기와의 비교
6. 맺음말


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안주호(Ahn Joo-Hoh). (2003).<석보상절>과 <월인석보>의 진언표기 연구. 한국언어문학, 51 , 163-189


안주호(Ahn Joo-Hoh). "<석보상절>과 <월인석보>의 진언표기 연구." 한국언어문학, 51.(2003): 163-189

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