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특성화고 졸업자의 진로이행 유형 결정요인

이용수 22

Determinants of Career Pathways for Specialized High School Graduates
정양훈 나태희 나승일
간행물 정보
『직업교육연구』제43권 제4호, 177~202쪽, 전체 26쪽
사회과학 > 교육학

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연구의 목적은 특성화고 졸업자의 진로이행 유형 결정요인을 구명하는 것으로, 세부 연구목표는 첫째, 특성화고 졸업자의 진로이행 유형(진학, 취업 및 미진학・미취업)을 구명하고, 둘째, 특성화고 졸업자의 진로이행 유형별 재학 중 특성의 차이를 구명하며, 셋째, 특성화고 졸업자의 진로이행 유형(진학 및 취업-미진학・미취업, 진학-미진학・미취업, 취업-미진학・미취업)을 유의미하게 예측하는 특성화고 재학 중 특성을 구명하는 것이었다. 분석대상은 한국교육고용패널Ⅱ(KEEP Ⅱ) 중 2018년(3차년도) 특성화고 졸업자 1,454명의 자료이며, 주요 연구방법은 일원변량분석, Scheffe 사후검정 및 카이스퀘어 검정과 판별분석이 사용되었다. 특히, 진로이행 유형별 차이를 나타낸 변인을 판별분석에 투입하였다. 주요결과는 첫째, 특성화고 졸업자들의 진로이행 유형은 진학, 취업, 미진학・미취업 순이며, 둘째, 특성화고 졸업자들의 진로이행 유형에 따라 차이가 있는 재학 중 특성은 성별, 전공계열(인구통계학적 특성), 부모와의 대화(가정특성), 전문교과 학업성취도, 수업 태도, 수업 분위기, 학교생활 만족도(학교생활 특성), 진로성숙도, 자격증 취득여부, 진학관련 방과후수업 또는 사교육경험, 진로체험 경험, 취업지도 경험(진로특성)이다. 셋째, 특성화고 졸업생의 진로이행 유형 중 진학자 및 취업자 또는 미진학・미취업자을 구분하는 재학 중 결정요인은 전문교과 학업성취도, 학교생활 만족도, 수업 태도, 성별, 자격증 취득여부, 진로체험 경험 순이고, 진학자 또는 미진학・미취업자을 구분하는 결정요인은 전문교과 학업성취도, 수업 태도, 진로성숙도, 학교생활 만족도, 부모와의 대화, 진학관련 방과후수업 또는 사교육경험 순이며, 취업자 또는 미진학・미취업자을 구분하는 결정요인은 성별, 학교생활 만족도, 진로체험 경험, 전문교과 학업성취도, 자격증 취득여부, 수업 분위기, 취업지도 경험 순이다. 이를 토대로 특성화고 재학생의 진학 및 취업 지원과 후속연구를 위한 제언을 제시하였다.

영문 초록

The purpose of this study is to identify the determinants of the type of career path of specialized high school graduates, The specific research objectives are: first, to identify the types of career paths of vocational school graduates (further education, employment and non-further study/non-employment), Second, to identify differences in the in-school characteristics of specialized high schools graduates by transition type, Third, to identify the characteristics of specialized high school graduates that significantly predict the type of career transition (further education,employment - non-further study/non-employment, further education - non-further study/non-employment, employment - non-further study/non-employment). The data for the analysis were 1,454 graduates of specialized high schools in 2018 (3rd year) from the Korea Education and Employment Panel II (KEEP II), and the main research methods were ANOVA, Scheffe's post hoc test, chi-square test, and discriminant analysis. In particular, characteristics showing differences by career transition type were input into discriminant analysis. The main results are as follows: First, the types of career transition chosen by specialized high school graduates are, in order, further education, employment, and non-further study/non-employment; and second, the characteristics of students while enrolled that differ depending on the type of career transition chosen by specialized high school graduates are gender, major field(demographic characteristics), level of communication with parents(family characteristics), academic achievement in specialized subjects, class attitude, class atmosphere, level of satisfaction with school life(school life characteristics), career maturity, acquisition of certificate, experience in after-school classes or private education related to further education, career-related experiences and employment-related guidance(career characteristics). Third, among the types of career transitions of specialized high school graduates, the characteristics of students that determine further education and employment or non-further education and non-employment are, in order, academic achievement in specialized subjects, satisfaction with school life, class attitude, gender, acquisition of certificate, and career-related experiences. The determining factors between further education and non-further education and non-employment are, in order, academic achievement in specialized subjects, calss attitude, career maturity, satisfaction with school life, conversation with parents, and after-school classes or private education experiences related to further education. The determining factors between employment or non-further education and non-employment are, in order, gender, satisfaction with school life, career-related experiences, academic achievement in specialized subjects, acquisition of certificate, and class atmosphere, employment-related guidance. Based on this, suggestions were made for supporting the further education and employment of specialized high school students and for follow-up research.


Ⅰ. 서 론
Ⅱ. 이론적 배경
Ⅲ. 연구방법
Ⅳ. 연구 결과
Ⅴ. 결론 및 제언


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정양훈,나태희,나승일. (2024).특성화고 졸업자의 진로이행 유형 결정요인. 직업교육연구, 43 (4), 177-202


정양훈,나태희,나승일. "특성화고 졸업자의 진로이행 유형 결정요인." 직업교육연구, 43.4(2024): 177-202

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