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The Four Levels of Integrating the History of the Communist Party of China into the Ideological and Political Education in Colleges from the Perspective of “Grand Ideological and Political Course”

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HUO Longwei
간행물 정보
『Journal of Chinese Education (JCE)』Vol.1 No.2, 35~44쪽, 전체 10쪽
인문학 > 역사학

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1:1 문의
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국문 초록

From the perspective of “Grand Ideological and Political Course”, the history of the Communist Party of China(CPC) is an important resource for the ideological and political courses in colleges. Based on this, this study focuses on in - depth exploration of the methods, paths, and logical approaches to organically integrate the history of the CPC into the ideological and political courses in colleges, and to address the current difficulties and pain points in this integration. Through experimental methods, case-analysis methods, and literature research methods, the internal laws of integrating the history of the CPC into the ideological and political courses in colleges are explored. The study finds that, although certain results have been achieved in integrating the history of the CPC into the ideological and political courses in colleges, the effectiveness of teaching resources has not been fully realized, and the actual teaching effect is not optimistic. From the perspective of “Grand Ideological and Political Course”, the integration of the history of the CPC into the ideological and political courses in colleges should focus on four dimensions: knowledge, affection, will, and action. In terms of knowledge transfer, it is necessary to accurately promote through teaching materials, teaching process, and courses. In terms of affection cultivation, teachers and students should move forward in the same direction, with a gentle and subtle influence. In terms of will guidance, attention should be paid to the theoretical interpretation of the history of the CPC, the expression of the Marxist world-view, and the improvement of the rational thinking ability of the subject. By advancing step by step, The ultimate integration of the history of the CPC into the ideological and political courses in colleges guide young students to translate their knowledge, affection and will into practical actions dedicated to the service of the nation. This achieves an organic unity of the four elements and realizes the goal of cultivate talent for the CPC and the nation.

영문 초록



1 正本清源,立足知识传授
2 以情感人,重视情感培育
3 培根铸魂,强化意志引导
4 学史力行,落实行动担当


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HUO Longwei. (2025).The Four Levels of Integrating the History of the Communist Party of China into the Ideological and Political Education in Colleges from the Perspective of “Grand Ideological and Political Course”. Journal of Chinese Education (JCE), 1 (2), 35-44


HUO Longwei. "The Four Levels of Integrating the History of the Communist Party of China into the Ideological and Political Education in Colleges from the Perspective of “Grand Ideological and Political Course”." Journal of Chinese Education (JCE), 1.2(2025): 35-44

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