이용수 0
- 영문명
- Exploration of Community Thought in ‘German Ideology’
- 발행기관
- YIXIN 출판사
- 저자명
- 董欣(Dong Xin)
- 간행물 정보
- 『Journal of Chinese Marxism studies』Vol.1 No.3, 19~26쪽, 전체 8쪽
- 주제분류
- 사회과학 > 사회과학일반
- 파일형태
- 발행일자
- 2024.10.30
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국문 초록
‘German Ideology’ is a philosophical work co-created by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels. This paper discusses many important philosophical views of Marx and Engels, which focuses on the community thought of the two, and plays an extremely important role in the study of Marx and Engels’ community thought. Firstly, this paper combs the historical origin of the formation of community thought in ‘German Ideology’ in detail in chronological order. From the ancient Greek city-state system to the ‘religious community’ in the Middle Ages, and then from the modern ‘contract community’ to the German classical philosophy and utopian socialism, the development of community thought has undergone a long period of evolution. Marx and Engels’ critical inheritance of these thoughts provides a rich theoretical basis for their own community thought. Secondly, it discusses the basic form of Marx-Engels community thought, and explains the generation and three forms of the original ‘natural community’. It focuses on Marx and Engels’ criticism of the ‘illusory community’, the revelation of the essence of capitalist society, and the interpretation of the inevitable demise of the ‘illusory community’. Finally, it focuses on the future trend of the community thought described in the ‘German Ideology’, and discusses why and how we will eventually move towards a communist society from the two aspects of the connotation and path of the ‘real community’.
영문 초록
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