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A Comparative Study on the Translation of Automotive Marketing Texts Based on an Automotive English Corpus

이용수 3

A Comparative Study on the Translation of Automotive Marketing Texts Based on an Automotive English Corpus
Shu Ma
간행물 정보
『Journal of Social Science Development Research』Vol.2 No.2, 92~103쪽, 전체 12쪽
사회과학 > 사회과학일반

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This study aims to construct an automotive English corpus to comprehensively compare the differences between English automotive marketing texts and their Chinese translations. The objective is to reveal challenges and opportunities in cultural and contextual translation. The research holds significant importance for understanding the impact of cross-cultural communication in the automotive market and providing more effective translation strategies for multinational automotive manufacturers. Through corpus analysis, focusing on common marketing phrases and text features, employing both quantitative and qualitative analysis methods, and examining the accuracy, naturalness, and cultural adaptability of translated texts, we delve into the similarities and differences in conveying automotive information between the two languages. The study finds that expressive and emotional expressions commonly used in English automotive contexts may encounter challenges in Chinese translations due to language and cultural differences. This necessitates the adoption of more flexible translation strategies. Additionally, Chinese translations tend to emphasize the practicality and safety of products more than their English counterparts, placing a greater emphasis on technical and functional descriptions. The primary conclusion of this research is that the translation of automotive marketing texts requires heightened cross-cultural sensitivity and an understanding of the target audience. When translating automotive advertisements and promotions, translators should consider consumer expectations and cultural values in different contexts to ensure the effectiveness and adaptability of the translation. Furthermore, the formulation of more flexible translation strategies, integrating local culture and market demands, will contribute to enhancing the image and influence of automotive brands in the international market. Through this study, we provide deeper insights for automotive manufacturers, assisting them in leveraging the power of language for successful global market penetration.


1 Introduction
2 Literature Review
3 Theoretical Framework and Research Methods
4 Construction and Analysis of the Automotive English Corpus
5. Comparative Analysis of English and Chinese Automotive Marketing Texts
6 Case Studies in Translation
7 Research Results and Discussion
8 Conclusion


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Shu Ma. (2024).A Comparative Study on the Translation of Automotive Marketing Texts Based on an Automotive English Corpus. Journal of Social Science Development Research, 2 (2), 92-103


Shu Ma. "A Comparative Study on the Translation of Automotive Marketing Texts Based on an Automotive English Corpus." Journal of Social Science Development Research, 2.2(2024): 92-103

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