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Assessing the Phonological Abilities of Jordanian Arabic-speaking Children with Phonological Disorders

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Assessing the Phonological Abilities of Jordanian Arabic-speaking Children with Phonological Disorders
Anas al Huneety Moh’d Ahmad Khaled Al-omari Bassil Mashaqba Mohammed Nour Abu Guba
간행물 정보
『Communication Sciences & Disorders』vol29. no.1, 127~144쪽, 전체 18쪽
사회과학 > 교육학

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배경 및 목적: 본 연구는 평균음운길이(PMLU), 단어단위근접률(PWP), 단어단위정확률(PWC), 자음정확도(PCC)가 요르단 아랍어의 음운발달 평가지표로 타당한지 알아보기 위해, 해당 언어를 사용하는 말소리장애 아동과 일반 아동의 자발화 샘플에서 PMLU, PWP, PWC, PCC를 분석하였다. 방법: 요르단 아랍어를 단일언어로 사용하는 5세 말소리장애 아동 44명, 일반 아동 44명, 총 88명이 본연구에 참여하였다. 보호자들과의 놀이상황에서 자발화를 수집하였고, 이 중 100 발화를 말소리 지표 분석을 위해 사용하였다. 결과: 말소리장애 아동은 일반 아동보다 모든 지표에서 점수가 유의하게 낮았고, 각 지표값 간에는 유의한 정적 상관관계가 있었다. 말소리장애 집단에서는 조음운동의 어려움을 시사하는 특정 말소리 오류들과 음운오류패턴이 관찰되었다. 논의 및 결론: 본 연구를 통해 요르단 아랍어권 말소리장애 아동의 음운발달을 정확하게 진단하고 진전과정을 추적하는 데에 PMLU, PWP, PWC, PCC가 모두 유용한 지표임을 알 수 있었다.

영문 초록

Objectives: This study investigated the validity of four language measures, i.e., phonological mean length of utterance (PMLU), the proportion of whole-word proximity (PWP), the proportion of whole-word correctness (PWC), and percentage of correct consonants, in assessing phonological development in Jordanian Arabic (JA) speaking children with phonological disorders in comparison with typically developing (TD) children. Methods: The study involved 88 monolingual JA-speaking children within the age range of 5 to 6 years, with 44 children diagnosed with phonological disorders and 44 TD children. Each group was further categorized into two age groups, namely 5;0-5;6 and 5,7-6,0. Data were gathered by observing the interactions between the children and their caregivers or parents using age-appropriate toys. A minimum of 100 utterances were collected from each participant. Results: The study found that TD children performed better than the children with phonological disorders on all measures, indicating delayed phonological performance in the phonological disorders group. Positive correlations between the measures were also observed, indicating their ability to provide significant information about children’s phonological abilities. Specific speech sound errors and substitution patterns exhibited by children with phonological disorders were identified, highlighting the motor control and articulatory challenges experienced by this group. Age was found to be a significant factor in the development of TD children, while children with phonological disorders showed similar scores across different age groups. Conclusion: These findings support the usage of the four measures for understanding phonological development in children with phonological disorders, accurately diagnosing them and tracking their progress.




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Anas al Huneety,Moh’d Ahmad Khaled Al-omari,Bassil Mashaqba,Mohammed Nour Abu Guba. (2024).Assessing the Phonological Abilities of Jordanian Arabic-speaking Children with Phonological Disorders. Communication Sciences & Disorders, 29 (1), 127-144


Anas al Huneety,Moh’d Ahmad Khaled Al-omari,Bassil Mashaqba,Mohammed Nour Abu Guba. "Assessing the Phonological Abilities of Jordanian Arabic-speaking Children with Phonological Disorders." Communication Sciences & Disorders, 29.1(2024): 127-144

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