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고성과작업시스템이 연구성과에 미치는 효과

이용수 16

The Effect of High Performance Work System on Research Performance: The Moderated Mediation Effect of Perceived Organizational Support
강원대학교 경영경제연구소
박은선(Eun-Sun Park)
간행물 정보
『아태비즈니스연구』제15권 제1호, 159~177쪽, 전체 19쪽
인문학 > 문학

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1:1 문의
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영문 초록

Purpose - The purpose of this study is to reveal the effect of a High Performance Work System(HWPS) on research performance. In addition, this study examines the mediation effect of Innovation Commitment(IC) and the moderated mediation effect of Perceived Organizational Support(POS), and seeks to reveal the antecedents and boundary variables that affect research performance. Design/methodology/approach - The level of analysis is at the individual level. A survey was collected from researchers at government-funded research institutes in the Daejeon and Sejong areas. 265 questionnaires were used in the final statistical analysis. Confirmatory factor analysis was performed using the AMOS 21. Correlation analysis, regression analysis, and bootstrapping by Process Macro were performed using the SPSS 19. Findings - As a result of the study, HWPS has a positive effect on IC, and IC has a positive effect on research performance. Through this results, it was found that IC mediates the relationship between the HPWS and research performance. In addition, POS positively moderated the mediating effect of HPWS on research performance through IC. Research implications or Originality - First, IC can be increased through a HPWS. Second, the effect of the HWPS on individual research performance through IC provides implications that the HWPS can be effectively applied not only to general companies but also to research organizations. Third, the boundary effect of POS was revealed. Fourth, research performance was measured through objective quantitative indicators rather than subjective.


Ⅰ. 서론
Ⅱ. 이론적 배경과 가설 설정
Ⅲ. 연구 방법
Ⅳ. 연구 결과
Ⅴ. 결론


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박은선(Eun-Sun Park). (2024).고성과작업시스템이 연구성과에 미치는 효과. 아태비즈니스연구, 15 (1), 159-177


박은선(Eun-Sun Park). "고성과작업시스템이 연구성과에 미치는 효과." 아태비즈니스연구, 15.1(2024): 159-177

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