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Proinsulin 참고치 설정에 관한 연구

이용수 2

Establishment of Reference Range of Proinsulin
남이문(Yee Moon Nam) 신용환(Yong Hwan Shin) 김지영(Ji Young Kim) 석재동(Jae Dong Seok)
간행물 정보
『핵의학기술』Vol.17 No.1, 76~79쪽, 전체 4쪽
의약학 > 방사선과학

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Purpose: It is very important to establish the appropriate reference range in the laboratory for preventing mistakes like false positive or false negative. Because the reference range in the laboratory is standard of patient test results interpretation. Proinsulin is precursor hormone of insulin, and the importance is increasing for diagnosing diabetes or insulinoma. Proinsulin reagent used in our laboratory is produced in the USA, and the reference range provided by manufacturer was adapted to our reference range after the validation test. But, it is generally recommend for the every laboratory to establish the their own reference range. So, we decided to re-evaluate the reference range with our patients' test results. Materials and Methods: Among 737 patients who had been to health promotion center in our hospital between Dec. 8th 2011 and Dec. 21st 2011, 563 patients are chosen with exception of diabetics patients and patients showing abnormal test results in Fasting Glucose, HbA1c, Insulin, and C-peptide. The 563 test results (275 males and 288 females) were classified with three groups(entire, male, female), and analysis of normal distribution was performed with aid of SPSS(version 19.0). Because Each group didn`t show normal distribution, the reference range was set from the lowest limit of 2.5% to the highest limit of 97.5% with Percentile method used in non-normal distribution. Results: When evaluation values are sorted in ascending order, the entire range is 4.5~52.0 pM and 5.3~51.9 pM for male and 4.5~52.0 pM for female. The calculated reference range with percentile method shows 6.7~26.5 pM for entire group, 6.8~26.5 pM for male and 6.7~26.5 pM for female, respectively. Conclusion: The reference range provided by reagent manufacturer is 6.4~9.4 pM and the one established in this study is 6.7~26.5 pM. This difference might be caused by racial characteristics between Western people and Koreans. So an ideal reference range can be gotten with normal population visiting to every hospital. Our hospital has been using the newly re-establishing reference range under consultation with the department of endocrinology since Aug. 1st 2012.


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남이문(Yee Moon Nam),신용환(Yong Hwan Shin),김지영(Ji Young Kim),석재동(Jae Dong Seok). (2013).Proinsulin 참고치 설정에 관한 연구. 핵의학기술, 17 (1), 76-79


남이문(Yee Moon Nam),신용환(Yong Hwan Shin),김지영(Ji Young Kim),석재동(Jae Dong Seok). "Proinsulin 참고치 설정에 관한 연구." 핵의학기술, 17.1(2013): 76-79

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