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¹³¹I 치료입원실 폐기물 방사능 오염도 분석 및 자체처분가능일자 산출

이용수 2

Determination of Self-Disposal date by the Analysis of Radioactive Waste Contamination for ¹³¹I Therapy Ward
김기섭(Gi-sub Kim) 정해조(Haijo Jung) 박민석(Min-seok Park) 정진성(Gjin-seong Jeon)
간행물 정보
『핵의학기술』Vol.17 No.1, 3~6쪽, 전체 4쪽
의약학 > 방사선과학

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Purpose: The treatment of thyroid cancer patients was continuously increased. According to the increment of thyroid cancer patients, the establishment of iodine therapy site was also increased in each hospital. This treatment involves the administration of radioactive iodine, which will be given in the form of a capsule. Therefore, protections and managements for radioactive source pollution and radiation exposure should be necessary for radiation safety. Among the many problems, the problem of disposing the radioactive wastes was occurred. In this study, The date for self-disposal for radioactive wastes, which were contaminated in clothes, bedclothes and trash, were calculated. Materials and Methods: The number of iodine therapy ward was 15 in Korea Institute of Radiological Medical and Sciences. Recently, 8 therapy wards were operated for iodine therapy patients and others were on standby for emergency treatment ward of any radiation accidents. Radioactive wastes, which were occurred in therapy ward, were clothes, bedclothes, bath cover for patients washing water and food and drink which was leftover by patients. Each sample was hold into the marinelli beaker (clothes, bedclothes, bath covers) and 90 ml beaker (food, drink, and washing water). The activities of collected samples were measured by HpGe MCA device (Multi Channel Analysis, CANBERRA, USA) Results: The storage period for the each kind of radioactive wastes was calculated by equation of storage periods based on the measurement outcomes. The average storage period was 60 days for the case of clothes, and the maximum storage period was 93 days for patient bottoms. The average storage period and the maximum storage period for the trash were 69 days and 97 days, respectively. The leftover foods and drinks had short storage period (the average storage period was 25 days and maximum storage period was 39 days), compared with other wastes. Conclusion: The proper storage period for disposing the radioactive waste (clothes, bedclothes and bath cover) was 100 days by the regulation on self-disposal of radioactive waste. In addition, the storage period for disposing the liquid radioactive waste was 120 days. The current regulation for radioactive waste self-disposing was not suitable for the circumstances of each radioactive therapy facility. Therefore, it was necessary to reduce the leftover food and drinks by adequate table setting for patients, and improve the process and regulation for disposing the short-half life radioactive wastes.


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김기섭(Gi-sub Kim),정해조(Haijo Jung),박민석(Min-seok Park),정진성(Gjin-seong Jeon). (2013).¹³¹I 치료입원실 폐기물 방사능 오염도 분석 및 자체처분가능일자 산출. 핵의학기술, 17 (1), 3-6


김기섭(Gi-sub Kim),정해조(Haijo Jung),박민석(Min-seok Park),정진성(Gjin-seong Jeon). "¹³¹I 치료입원실 폐기물 방사능 오염도 분석 및 자체처분가능일자 산출." 핵의학기술, 17.1(2013): 3-6

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