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FDG PET/CT 검사 시 참고장기에서 측정한, 제지방체중으로 표준화한 표준화 섭취계수의 관찰자 사이 및 관찰자 내 재현성에 대한 연구

이용수 2

Interobserver and Intraobserver Reproducibility of SUL Measurements in Reference Organs on FDG PET/CT
김성수(Seong Su Kim) 신용철(Yong Cheol Shin) 이선도(Sun Do Lee) 이남주(Nam Ju Lee) 김종철(Jong Cheol Kim) 이춘호(Chun Ho Lee)
간행물 정보
『핵의학기술』Vol.17 No.1, 11~17쪽, 전체 7쪽
의약학 > 방사선과학

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Purpose: The use of SUV which should be normalized by lean body mass (LBM) is recommended for PET response criteria in solid tumors. LBM which was determined by whole body CT was used for SUV normalization (SUL) in this study. The purpose of the present study was to assess interobserver and intraobserver reproducibility of SUL measurements in reference organs. Materials and Methods: F-18 FDG PET/CT was conducted on 52 subjects and LBMs were directly determine by whole body CT for normalization of SUV. The 3 cm diameter spherical VOI, 1×2 cm cylindrical VOI, 2 cm diameter spherical VOI were placed in the liver, descending aorta and spleen, respectively. Experienced two observers measured SULmax and SULmean in each organ. Repeated measurements were conducted two weeks apart by observer 1 blind to previous results. Similarly, measurements were conducted on the same patients by observer 2. For assessing reproducibility(or repeatability), the paired t-test, Pearson’s correlation coefficients (CC), and technical error of measurement (TEM) were calculated. Results: For interobserver reproducibility in liver SULmax and SULmean, no significant differences were found between observers(paired t-test, P=0.536, 0.293, respectively). CC and TEM for liver SULmean were 0.909 (P=0.000) and 0.067 SUL unit, respectively. Corresponding figures for liver SULmax were 0.882 (P=0.000) and 0.117 SUL unit, respectively. For intraobserver reproducibility in liver SULmax and SULmean , no significant differences were observed within observer1 (paired t-test, P=0.374, 0.268, respectively). CC and TEM for liver SULmean were 0.924 (P=0.000) and 0.061 SUL, respectively. Corresponding figures for liver SULmax were 0.908 (P=0.000) and 0.104 SUL, respectively. Similarly, no significant differences were found in SULmax and SULmean of the spleen and aorta between observers. Conclusion: The current study demonstrated that both SULmean and SULmax measurements in normal reference organs are highly reproducible. Reproducibility of SULmean in reference organs were slightly better than SULmax. Interobsever technical error of measurement was less than 0.10 SUL unit for liver SULmean , and 0.12 SUL unit for liver SULmax. Intraobsever technical error of measurement was less than 0.07 SUL unit for liver SULmean , and 0.11 SUL unit for liver SULmax.


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김성수(Seong Su Kim),신용철(Yong Cheol Shin),이선도(Sun Do Lee),이남주(Nam Ju Lee),김종철(Jong Cheol Kim),이춘호(Chun Ho Lee). (2013).FDG PET/CT 검사 시 참고장기에서 측정한, 제지방체중으로 표준화한 표준화 섭취계수의 관찰자 사이 및 관찰자 내 재현성에 대한 연구. 핵의학기술, 17 (1), 11-17


김성수(Seong Su Kim),신용철(Yong Cheol Shin),이선도(Sun Do Lee),이남주(Nam Ju Lee),김종철(Jong Cheol Kim),이춘호(Chun Ho Lee). "FDG PET/CT 검사 시 참고장기에서 측정한, 제지방체중으로 표준화한 표준화 섭취계수의 관찰자 사이 및 관찰자 내 재현성에 대한 연구." 핵의학기술, 17.1(2013): 11-17

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