扶餘 東南里遺蹟出土 木簡의 書體와 內容
이용수 87
- 영문명
- Calligraphy style and Contens of Wooden Tablets excavated from Namdong-ri ruins in Buyeo area: Related to the Battle of Gwansanseong and Payroll record of the monthly wages in Baekje period
- 발행기관
- 충남대학교 백제연구소
- 저자명
- 손환일
- 간행물 정보
- 『백제연구』제78집, 65~98쪽, 전체 34쪽
- 주제분류
- 인문학 > 역사학
- 파일형태
- 발행일자
- 2023.08.31
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국문 초록
扶餘 東南里遺迹에서 목간이 5점 출토되었다. 동남리유적 출토목간은 생활기록으로 당시의 서체와 기록법, 내용 등을 살펴볼 수 있다. [목간 12]의 기록법에는 逆移行法이 사용되었고, 서체는 북조체와 남조체가 같이 사용되었다. 백제의 6세기 중반은 양과의 교류를 통하여 남조의 필법이 수용되던 시기이다.
[목간 12]는 554년 7월 백제 위덕왕이 관산성전투에서 순국한 원혼을 달래고 민심을 위무, 수습하기 위해서 그해 11월 8일부터 12월 20일까지 44일간 國經用金(國家主導 金寫經製作用金)을 모아 거국적으로 불교행사를 준비한 기록의 일단이다. 목간에 기록된 금의 총량은 16兩 5主(293주, 212.425g(231.763g)이다. 이 중에 4좌평의 미망인이 亡夫(죽은 남편)를 위하여 희사한 금이 대부분으로 모두 逆金(非精鍊金) 12兩 13主(229주, 166.025g(181.139g))이다. 逆金을 사용한 것은 精鍊할 시간적 여유가 없어 逆金을 그대로 사용할 수밖에 없었던 것으로 그 만큼 급하게 사용되었음을 알 수 있다. 연금작업은 鍊金匠 張等末水, 尓牟 등이 成鍊金(精鍊金) 19主(1兩 1主, 13.775g(15.029g)를 정련한 것으로 이해된다.
[목간 13]은 “瓦役 後 지급한 피(稗)”로 月給인 一俵의 給料支給記錄이다. 백제에서는 月給인 一俵가 25일을 기준으로 5斗(10㎏)가 지급된 급료이며, 8人에게 각각 5斗씩 40斗(80㎏)가 지급된 기록이다. [목간 14]는 ‘岩仙洞草(개음양곽, 삼지구엽초)’라는 약재 12근이 기록된 물품꼬리표이다.
영문 초록
Five wooden tablets were excavated from the Namdong-ri ruins in Buyeo area. The wooden tablets excavated from the Namdong-ri ruins are records of daily life. People can find the calligraphy style, writing method, contents and so on of the time through these tablets. According to the writing style of [Mokgan(Wooden Tablet) 12], Yeog-i-haeng-beob(逆移行法: A writing method used even in the Joseon Dynasty when margins were insufficient in Ganchal(letter written on Gan-ji)) was used; Both the Northern Dynasties calligraphic style and the Southern Dynasties calligraphic style were use for calligraphy. In the middle of the 6th century in Baekje, Southern dynasty's handwriting style was accepted through exchanges with Liang Dynasty(Southern dynasty).
[Mokgan 12] is a record of King Wideok's preparations for a Buddhist event in Baekje period. In order to appease the revengeful spirits of those who were martyred in the Battle of Gwansanseong in July 554 and to mend public sentiment, the king had collected gold for making state-led golden Buddhist scriptures production for 44 days from November 8 to December 20 of that year. The collected gold was used to organize a large-scale Buddhist event. The total amount of gold recorded in the Mokgan is 16Nyang(兩) 5Ju(主), total: 293 Ju(主), 212.425 grams (231.763g). Of these, most of the gold was donated by the widow of 4-Jwa-Pyeong(title of prime ministers), 12Nyang(兩) 13Ju(主) (229Ju(主), 166.025g (181.139g)); she made a donation for her deceased husband. Those golds were Yeog-Geum(逆金, unrefined gold). They used gold in unrefined statement as it is, it shows that there had been no time to refine the golds, in hurry. Refining process were processed by refining artisan named Jangdeungmalsu, I-mo and so on; they had refined golds 19Ju(主)(1Nyang(兩) 1Ju(主), 13.775g(15.029g)).
[Table 13] was a payroll record of the monthly wages paid to peoples who made the roof tiles; the monthly salary was called Il-pyo(一俵) and was paid in rice(稗, Pi). In Baekje, a monthly salary of 5Du(斗, 10kg) was paid every 25 days; it showed that eight people were paid 40Du(斗, 80kg), 5Du(斗) per each person. [Table 14] was a label tag that recorded 12Geun(斤) of the herb named “Am-seon-dong-cho(岩仙洞草岩仙洞草)”.
Ⅰ. 머리말
Ⅱ. 木簡의 書體
Ⅲ. 木簡의 釋文과 內容
Ⅳ. 맺음말
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