이용수 35
- 영문명
- Analysis of the Unsynchronized Improvement of China-ROK Economic Cooperation and Political Mutual Trust after the THAAD Crisis
- 발행기관
- 대한중국학회
- 저자명
- 潘彬彬
- 간행물 정보
- 『중국학(구중국어문론집)』第82輯, 443~462쪽, 전체 20쪽
- 주제분류
- 인문학 > 기타인문학
- 파일형태
- 발행일자
- 2023.03.31
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국문 초록
영문 초록
The entry of THAAD into South Korea has had an impact on economic cooperation as well as political trust between China and South Korea, and both have regressed to varying degrees. Since then, economic cooperation as well as political trust has been restored thanks to the joint efforts of the two governments. However, compared to the speed at which economic cooperation has improved, political trust has improved more slowly. Political and economic ties between China and South Korea fall under separate, autonomous domains that each have their own logic and rules of conduct. Specifically, market players dominate economic relations between China and South Korea, while political players dominate political relations. The difference in behavioral preferences between market players and political players has resulted in the phenomenon that political-economic relations between China and South Korea have not improved concurrently. Additionally, since politicization has a negative impact on economic ties, the rapid improvement of economic relations following the THAAD crisis has not been successful in fostering greater political mutual confidence. The political and economic issues currently plaguing China-South Korean relations can yet be resolved. First and foremost, in response to the trend towards politicization of official exchanges, the rational return of official exchanges can be achieved through depoliticization. Second, by encouraging private exchanges, the spread of nationalist sentiment can be slowed and public antagonism reduced, thereby rebuilding the public opinion base of China-South Korean relations.
1. 前言
2. “萨德”入韩后中韩的政经关系
3. “萨德”入韩后中韩经贸合作迅速恢复的原因
4. “萨德”入韩后中韩政治互信改善缓慢的原因
5. 经贸发展为何不能有效拉动政治互信的改善
6. 如何改善中韩政经关系不同步发展的现象
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