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16-17세기 중국의 대(對) 조선 사행록(使行錄)에 투영된 한 중 상호인식의 변용과 기억

이용수 4

간행물 정보
『중국인문과학 』제70집, 117~148쪽, 전체 32쪽
인문학 > 문학

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This paper focuses on GongYongQing's 『ShiChaoXianLu』 and ZhuZhiFan's 『FengShiChaoXianGao』 in that the layers of the times and the interrelationships between China and Korea are explored by following the trace of mutual recognition between them based on sinocentrism In addition, the Chinese and Korean intellectuals also identified how they perceived and responded to the traditional Korean-Chinese relationship, thereby building an axis of mutual recognition between the 16th and 17th centuries. Under this assumption, this paper is divided into three directions. First, it is studied for the recognition of the international order in East Asia between the 16th and 17th centuries and the relationship between Korea and China, which had been exposed in 『ShiChaoXianLu』 and 『FengShiChaoXianGao』. In the 16th and 17th centuries when the Joseon Dynasty visited the Ming Dynasty, the relationship between Korea and China was stipulated as a tributary-investiture relationship, and this relationship was operated in a relatively stable way at the period. In particular, during this period, the response and strategy of the Joseon Dynasty were to strengthen the order of a tributary-investiture relationship and to apply the principles and customs in the relations between the two countries for promoting the realistic interests of China. Therefore, in the expectation that the Joseon Dynasty would fulfill its role as a army of the frontier, it would ultimately be expected to maintain or enhance the traditional relationship between Joseon and Ming, and to gain recognition of China's vested interests in Joseon In short, GongYongQing and ZhuZhiFan tried to force Joseon to confirm and recognize the fact that Ming and Joseon were in the relationship of the suzerain state and a vassal state and fulfill it in order to maintain the traditional relationship between them. Considering this point, the perception of GongYongQing and ZhuZhiFanthe in 『ShiChaoXianLu』 and 『FengShiChaoXianGao』 is not merely to maintain the traditional relationship with Joseon. It can be interpreted as an attitude to strengthen political influence as a powerful subject in a new order in East Asia. Second, based on the poetry in these books, they showed the perception of Joseon 's literature and courtesy. During this period, “sinocentrism” was linked to the political and cultural exchanges between China and Korea, and sometimes it acted as a more important factor. GongYongQing and ZhuZhiFanthe referred to the old record of 'JiZi' and 'ChaoXian' and emphasized the cultural connection with China. They emphasized that the scholarship of Joseon was high, polite and tradition. According to their perception, they revealed the cultural connection between China and Joseon that preceded the Ming Dynasty. This reference could be said to be a step toward a sense of Chinese consciousness which is the advanced culture of Joseon was originated form JiZi Third, the paper explored the aspect of poetry exchange between China and Joseon and the perception of Joseon's civilization. In GongYongQing's 『ShiChaoXianLu』 and ZhuZhiFan's 『FengShiChaoXianGao』, they included the poems of the Joseon Dynasty which they gain by hands-on experience during their sojourn. On the other hand, through these poems they showed the prejudices about the customs and the recognition of Joseon in the way of the cultural exchanges with the rulers and literary men of Joseon. Therefore, these poems have a value showing not only their literary value but also another aspect of mutual recognition between Korea and China between the 16th and 17th centuries. To sum up, GongYongQing's 『ShiChaoXianLu』 and ZhuZhiFan's 『FengShiChaoXianGao』 are directly conveying a process section of establishing a power of China in the East Asian international order and shows clearly how the Ming who intended to strengthen the central position of East Asia embodies their status and authority in Joseon.


Ⅰ. 들어가는 말
Ⅱ. 16-17세기 동아시아 국제질서와 한 중 관계
Ⅲ. 조선의 문교(文敎)와 예의(禮儀)에 대한 상호인식
Ⅳ. 한 중 문인 교유(交遊) 속 상호인식
Ⅴ. 나오는 말


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柳昌辰. (2018).16-17세기 중국의 대(對) 조선 사행록(使行錄)에 투영된 한 중 상호인식의 변용과 기억. 중국인문과학 , (), 117-148


柳昌辰. "16-17세기 중국의 대(對) 조선 사행록(使行錄)에 투영된 한 중 상호인식의 변용과 기억." 중국인문과학 , (2018): 117-148

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