프랑스의 해양 인식과 동아시아 해군 정책
이용수 57
- 영문명
- French Maritime Vision and its Naval Policy in East Asia
- 발행기관
- 한국세계문화사학회
- 저자명
- 이창훈(Chang-Hoon Lee)
- 간행물 정보
- 『세계역사와 문화연구』세계역사와 문화연구 제49집, 269~298쪽, 전체 30쪽
- 주제분류
- 인문학 > 역사학
- 파일형태
- 발행일자
- 2018.12.30
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국문 초록
프랑스는 두 차례나 거대한 식민제국(植民帝國)의 역사를 갖고 있다. 유럽 밖으로 바다를 건너 북아메리카, 아프리카, 중동, 동아시아 등 광범위한 지역에 걸쳐 건설된 프랑스의 식민제국의 건설과 경영은 16세기부터 20세기까지 수 세기에 이른다. 뱃길을 따라서 가능했던 프랑스의 식민제국 건설과 경영은 프랑스의 해양에 대한 인식과 변천, 그리고 그와 관련한 정책이 수립되고 적용되는 다양한 동인을 보여주어 매우 흥미롭다. 특히 프랑스의 아시아 진출은 그들의 두 번째 해양 식민제국 건설기에 해당되는데, 오늘날까지 지속되고 있는 프랑스와 아시아 국가들의 해양 관계를 살펴보는 데 중요한 시사를 준다.
영문 초록
France went through to 2 consecutive periods of colonial expansion during its history. The construction and management of France s colonial empires, which were built outside of Europe across a wide range of regions including North America, Africa, Middle-East and Eastern Asia, started from the 16th century to the 20th century. Such colonial development was possible thanks to diverse and interesting factors among which we can quote the recognition of the Oceans and the creation of a World-class Navy. France s entry into Eastern Asia corresponds
to its second period of marine colonial rule, giving an important glimpse into the maritime relations of France and Asian countries that are still alive today.
In the East Asian region, conflicts have been recurrent over lands and seas between countries, but while European nations finally built peace through regional cooperation, East Asia is still crossed by various unsolved conflicts and crisis.
Korea, Japan, China, Taiwan, and ASEAN countries are opposed each other by various territorial disputes, with on the top of these, the tensions on the Korean Peninsula and the diffusion of the piracy in South-East Asia. In such context, it’s interesting to not forget that France is also an Asian player though its territories of New Caledonia and further in the Pacific Ocean, the large French Polynesia.
Even if compare to last century France’s influence declined with the independences of Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos, it’s still one the 5 permanent members of the United Nations Security Council with one of the most modern fleet and army in World. As a result, France can still proudly announce that they are a power in Asia-Pacific region and I think looking at the French naval policy has a strong implication in understanding the West and East perceptions surrounding the ocean and in the security of the Asian oceans.
This article will describe the end crisis of the Qing Empire, with a focus on the Boxer Rebellion and the role of the French Navy at that time. First, it’s important to remember that by the end of the 19th century, the colonization of
the World by the European powers was almost complete and European capitalisms were massively investing in these new territories. France, which boasted one of the largest amounts of capital at the time, was one step ahead of
other powers in building railroads and lending loans to the Qing Empire. So, the role of the French Navy was not strictly limited to the military sphere but also to secure French investments and trade flows. It is necessary to reconsider the policy role and meaning of such a navy.
Secondly, it is also essential to re-examine the historical facts that the Boxer Rebellion served as a catalyst of the fierce naval competition between the European powers. Around 1898, the history of the World was thoroughly
sacrificed by the European powers and characterized by mutual compromise. But colonial expansions and the Boxer Rebellion at its center have caused new animosities and renew old hostilities between the European nations, especially UK and Germany, gradually spreading Europe between two hostile camps.
Ⅰ. 머리말
Ⅱ. 프랑스 해양 정책의 기원
Ⅲ. 르네상스 이후 프랑스의 해양 능력
Ⅳ. 아시아·태평양 세력으로서 프랑스
Ⅴ. 청제국의 위기와 프랑스 해군
Ⅵ. 맺음말
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