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연극윤리학으로서 스타니슬랍스키의 시스템

이용수 146

Stanislavsky’s System as Theatrical Ethics
충북대학교 러시아 알타이지역 연구소
백승무(Paik, Seung Moo)
간행물 정보
『러시아학』러시아학 제18호, 81~109쪽, 전체 29쪽
인문학 > 기타인문학

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1:1 문의
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The purpose of this paper is to sort out the types of core concepts that constitute the theatrical ethics of the System, to rethink the ethical implications of the concepts, and to examine the true nature of the System as an Ethical practice proposition. The system is already an ethical textbook in a broad sense. Because the play is an art that reproduces life as it is, the ethics of the stage is the ethics of life. The ethics of the System begins with the powerful artistic influence of the play. The presence of the actor, the subject of the influence, was a key premise enabling the aesthetics of directing, a decisive factor in achieving the ethical purpose of the play, and an indicator of the possibility of a new human being. It is from the truth of experience that the system is oriented towards artistic ethics through the “life of human soul”. Also, the ethics of collective art is in contact with the essence of theater art, and the artistic harmony it pursues is the goal of theater art. The ethics of the Stanislavsky system encompasses the system as a whole and as the foundation and goal of stage artistry, not as a technical category that is specific to a particular concept or step.


I. 들어가며
II. ‘학’(學)으로서의 연극윤리학
III. 성전과 학교로서의 연극: 극장과 배우의 사회적 윤리
IV. 집단성과 체험의 윤리학
V. 결 론


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백승무(Paik, Seung Moo). (2019).연극윤리학으로서 스타니슬랍스키의 시스템. 러시아학, (18), 81-109


백승무(Paik, Seung Moo). "연극윤리학으로서 스타니슬랍스키의 시스템." 러시아학, .18(2019): 81-109

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