아야드 악타르의 『보이지 않는 손』에 나타난 사회경제적 테러리즘
이용수 67
- 영문명
- The Socioeconomic Terrorism in Ayad Akhtar’s The Invisible Hand
- 발행기관
- 한국영미어문학회
- 저자명
- 홍은숙(Eun-Sook Hong)
- 간행물 정보
- 『영미어문학』영미어문학 제125호, 69~87쪽, 전체 19쪽
- 주제분류
- 어문학 > 영어와문학
- 파일형태
- 발행일자
- 2017.06.30
구매일시로부터 72시간 이내에 다운로드 가능합니다.
이 학술논문 정보는 (주)교보문고와 각 발행기관 사이에 저작물 이용 계약이 체결된 것으로, 교보문고를 통해 제공되고 있습니다.

국문 초록
영문 초록
Muslim American playwright Ayad Akhtar dramatizes Islam in different ways for each work and creates new narratives about Islam. Akhtar sheds light on the way American myths that are related to money encounter Islam in The Invisible Hand. He tries to demolish ideological frameworks between western and non-western culture in relation to the network war between Capitalism and Islamic fundamentalism. Overflowing with fetishism and speculation funds, the Islamic world faces an identity crisis. After all, the Muslim characters in the novel experience the deceptive attractiveness of Capitalism you need to be consistent with your capitalization. In regards to Islamic fundamentalist, Imam Saleem insists that “money is the opiate of the people, not religion”; and realizes that “money is what puts people to sleep when it comes to the moral dimension of life.” The socioeconomic terror is facilitated by close collaboration and conflict between financial capitalist Nick and Islamic warrior Bashir, and is represented in the form of the network war in an underground bunker. After recognizing how socioeconomic terrorism works, Islamic fundamentalist Bashir metamorphoses into a Jihadist who dreams of revolution beyond capitalism and fundamentalism.
1. 들어가며
2. 이슬람 근본주의와 자본주의의 네트워크 전쟁
3. 이슬람 인민, 성직자, 전사가 경험한 독점 자본주의
4. 금융 쿠데타와 사회경제적 테러리즘
5. 나오며
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