벡퍼드의 『바섹』과 오리엔탈리즘: 관능성과 타자성
이용수 65
- 영문명
- Beckford’s Vathek and Orientalism: Eroticism and Otherness
- 발행기관
- 한국영미어문학회
- 저자명
- 김현생(Hyunsaeng Kim)
- 간행물 정보
- 『영미어문학』영미어문학 제125호, 119~139쪽, 전체 21쪽
- 주제분류
- 어문학 > 영어와문학
- 파일형태
- 발행일자
- 2017.06.30
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국문 초록
영문 초록
This study analyzes eroticism and otherness in Beckford’s Vathek from the perspective of Orientalism. Beckford depicts the title role, Vathek, as totally dissolute, addicted to pleasure and the extremes of luxury, far too proud, and sadistic, who deliberately chooses the path of evil. Vathek devotes himself, partly under the influence of his sorceress mother, Carathis, in the direct service of Eblis. Crime follows crime, and in his journey towards the haunted site of the inferno of Eblis himself, Vathek conceives a passion for the beautiful Nouronihar who is as much intoxicated by the prospect of supernatural power as he is himself. Through this process, the whole culture is presented as a culture of voluptuousness, sensuality, decadence, indolence, and ease. Furthermore, Vathek, in furthering the negative portrayal of the East, directly contributed to the myths of Oriental eroticism and Otherness, which created division and conflict between the East and the West.
1. 들어가며
2. 『바섹』의 오리엔탈리즘과 관능성
3. 『바섹』의 오리엔탈리즘과 타자성
4. 나오며
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