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Литературная сказка Л. Петрушевской

이용수 11

Literary fairy tale by L. Petrushevskaya : the experience of transformation
충북대학교 러시아 알타이지역 연구소
Е.Д. Монгуш(E.D. Mongush)
간행물 정보
『러시아학』러시아학 제14호, 229~244쪽, 전체 16쪽
인문학 > 기타인문학

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The appearance of the fabulous orientation in the work of L. Petrushevskaya primarly is explained by the fact that its fabulous start coincides with a period of gradual neglect and destruction of the traditional fairy tale genre. L. Petrushevskaya is a witness of not only oblivion and disappearance of a fairy tale, but also she traces the affirmation of its complex internal processes. Modernization of fairy tales, the active intervention of the Executive in the traditional text, update of the language, the saturation of a fairy tale with the details of a new way of life, focus of storytellers on a book: all these identifying features of a fairy tale of the twentieth century destroyed in a certain degree stylistic unity of folklore genre.Thus, there is a peculiarity of L. Petrushevskaya s art system and its transformation: - Fiction and reality create a single artistic entity in one city among neighbor living people, animals, toys. Barbie Masha is a friend of grandfather Ivan, she helps him. But the evil rat Valka, working as a secretary for the wizard Amati, is jealous of Masha and wants to destroy the world with the help of fifteen volumes of the book Some secrets ( The Little fairy ) stolen from Amati; - Expansion of fantastic space and time due to introduction of the signs of modern reality in the text ( Planet Heh , Himalaya , Bahamas , etc.); - The use of the political lexicon ( International UN commission , a sleepy protest demonstration, etc.); - Changes in the external and internal appearance of the traditional fairy-tale characters (in the story The Boy - bell a protagonist, the boy wears a bell around his neck but not the kid, as well as in the Russian folk tale about poor orphans. An evil witch helps his victims, save them from certain death); - The appearance of the internal monologues of the characters (character introspection, description of psychological state of a character by the narrator ( Little fairy , Raspberry and Nettle, The Secret of Marilia ); - Imagery and aphoristic language (use of speaking names and nicknames of heroes: Servant the First, Uncle Tuzik, Plague, Сhecker, etc.); - The variability of fairy tales ( The Princess Belonozhko - The Princess Belonozhko, or Who loves, one carries on one s shoulders ); -Staging of the action, travesty, a game with a classic(actionsof Secrets of Marilia , White kettles take place on the stage, characters of The Queen Lear are borrowed from Shakespeare s play of the same name); -Integration of the fantastic series in a novel-story (a series of The Adventures of Barbie , consisting of 4 stories is united by one plot in the novel-tale The Little fairy ).


Ⅰ. Введение
Ⅱ. Сказочные циклы Л. Петрушевской
Ⅲ. Кукольный роман «Маленькая волшебница»
Ⅳ. Заключение


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Е.Д. Монгуш(E.D. Mongush). (2017).Литературная сказка Л. Петрушевской. 러시아학, (14), 229-244


Е.Д. Монгуш(E.D. Mongush). "Литературная сказка Л. Петрушевской." 러시아학, .14(2017): 229-244

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