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A Study on the Participation of Korean Women in the Policy

이용수 76

조선대학교 법학연구원
간행물 정보
『법학논총』제23권 제3호, 37~90쪽, 전체 54쪽
법학 > 법학

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우리 헌법상 여성은 선거권 및 공무담임권에서 평등하게 권리를 향유할 주체임에도 여성권한척도(GEM), 성불평등지수(GII), 성 격차지수(GGI) 등 세계여성평등척도에서 주요 선진국에 비해 매우 뒤떨어져 있다. 따라서 국가인권위원회는 국 가인권정책기본계획 권고안을 통해 특히 여성인권상황과 개선 조건에 대한 정확한 진단을 바탕으로 인권정책 목표와 추진과제를 제시한 바 있다. 그러나 여성의 정치적 대표성이 매우 낮고, 정부기관, 민간단체, 노동조합 등의 의사결정과정에서 여성이 여전히 배제되거나 제한되고 있는 현실에서, 유엔여성차별철폐위원회는 정당의 여성 대표자 비율을 최소한 30%까지 높이고 사법 및 민간영역에서 여성참여율을 높이는 정책을 마련하라고 권고한 바 있고(1998년), 유엔자유권규약(제25조)은 차별이나 불합리한 제한 없이 직접 또는 자유로이 선출한 대표자를 통한 정치 참여권, 정기적인 선거권과 피선거권, 평등한 조건에서 자국의 공무에 취임하는 권리 등을 규정하고 있다. 이에 따라 여성발전기본법, 국가인권위원회법, 정당법, 공무원임용시험령, 여성과학기술인 육성 및 지원에 관한법률, 교육공무원법 등의 법률에 의해 현재 여성공천할당제, 공무원의 양성채용목 표제, 정부위원회의 여성참여목표제, 여성과학기술인의 채용목표제, 국공립대학의 여교수채용목표제가 시행되고 있다. 이러한 법제도적 성과에도 불구하고 여전히 여성이 직면하는 유리천장은 우리사회에 존재하고 있으며, 특히 여성의 공직 참여를 통한 의사결정력은 미미한 수준이라고 보지 않을 수 없다. 이 논문은 한국에서의 여성 공직 참여 현황과 비교 법적 현실(Ⅱ)에 대한 인식을 토대로 여성의 공직 참여 보장법제와 추진체제(Ⅲ)를 점검하고, 여성의 공직 참여 저해요인(차별 요인)(Ⅳ)을 분석한 후 여성의 공직 참여 제고방안(차별 해소방안)(Ⅴ)을 제시하면서 정책적 제언(Ⅵ)을 하고 있다.

영문 초록

The current Constitution of Korea, article 10 regulated the dignity and value as human beings, and the pursuit of happiness as ideological foundation for guarantee of basic rights and to achieve this under Article 11 it has materialized the equality in various areas such as education, employment, marriage and family life, elections, etc as a methodological basis. However, in the Constitution women are the subject to enjoy the right equally in the Hold public office and right to vote. But ratio of female members is very outdated in World Women s equality measure such as Gender Empowerment Measure (GEM), Gender Inequality Index (GII), and Gender Gap Index (GGI) etc. And of course, the number of female officials is increasing trend but compared with France, New Zealand, Germany, Canada, UK, etc. it is still low. In addition the proportion of female civil servants management positions, which has the influential currently, it is about 14 percent in 2009. And among them the proportion of female senior civil servants is 1.8%. So, the National Human Rights Commission has proposed human rights policy s objectives and priority project through the National Action Plan (NAP). Establishing the National Action Plan is to meet the meet the demands of the international human right organization, also, at the Vienna Declaration and Program of Action of the World Conference on Human Rights 1993 in Vienna advice the establishment of Human Rights Council and National Action Plan to each countries and The Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (CESCR) was advised to report about the establishment of Human Rights Council until June 30, 2006. But Women s Political representation is too low and still excluded or limited in the Decision-making process of Government, NGO, labor union, etc. In this situation, The Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women(CEDAW) in 1998. It advised to increase the percentage at least 30% for the women in party and create a policy for women s social activities and Article 25 of the UN Human Rights regulates the equal rights for election and public service. As a result, gender quota system, Affirmative Action for Public Officers and Women Professors in the National Universities, etc. these Institutions are take effect by Act on Women s Development, National Human Rights Commission of Korea, Party law, Public Service Aptitude Test law, Fostering and Supporting of Women Scientists and Engineers law, Public Educational Officials Act, etc. Despite of these legislative achievements women s inequalities are still in this society. Especially, the power of decision-making by participation in public is insignificant. This paper check the Female s Seats in national parliament in Korea and Using the recognition of Comparative Study s reality(Ⅱ) examine the Participation of Korean Women in the Policy(Ⅲ), in analysis the Hindrance Factors of the Participation of Korean Women in the Policy(Discriminative Factors)(Ⅳ). after then propose the Improving Efficiency of for the Participation of Korean Women in the Policy (the Solutions to Discrimination)(Ⅴ)and Political Proposal(Ⅵ) is this study s purpose.


Ⅰ. Introduction
Ⅱ. The Comparative law review for the Participation of Korean Women in the Policy
Ⅲ. Legal and propulsion system to ensure women s participation in public
Ⅳ. The Hindrance Factors of the Participation of Korean Women in the Policy(Discriminative Factors)
Ⅴ. Improving Efficiency of for the Participation of Korean Women in the Policy (the Solutions to Discrimination)
Ⅵ. Conclusion


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김병록. (2016).A Study on the Participation of Korean Women in the Policy. 법학논총, 23 (3), 37-90


김병록. "A Study on the Participation of Korean Women in the Policy." 법학논총, 23.3(2016): 37-90

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