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푸슈킨 동화에 나타난 선ㆍ악 재현 수단으로서의 비유 표현

이용수 58

Figures of Speech as the Means for the Representation of Good and Evil in Pushkin's Folk Tales
임흥수(Im Heung-Su)
간행물 정보
『동유럽발칸학』동유럽발칸학 창간호, 77~107쪽, 전체 31쪽
사회과학 > 지역학

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1:1 문의
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This article aims to analyze the types and the functions of figures of speech used by Pushkin as the means for the representation of good and evil in his folk tales. For this analysis, the related theoretical conceptions such as ’the figurativeness of word', 'the functions of figures of speech', 'the relation between figures of speech and myth' and ’the correlation between texts of folk tales and figures of speech’needs to be examined first. The essential features of good and evil which form the basis for the creation of the positive and negative characters in folk tales are also examined because logically they are the deteminant factors for the objects of the analysis. Based on the understanding of the above mentioned topics, this article makes an attempt to analyze the basic means of figures frequently used in Pushkin’s tales in close connection with the representation of literary figurativeness and the themes of literary work. In this article only the pure means for figures of speech, i.e. tropes and figures, which are generally regarded as the means to strengthen general figurativeness of the texts, are treated as the primary objects of the analysis. The analysis carried out here shows the followings: 1) in his folk tales Pushkin used an extensive range of means of figures to represent the incorporating idea of good and evil and 2) the great Russian writer succeeded in raising the level of the plain language of folk tales onto that of the elaborated literary language, thanks to which the latter was made easier for an extended range of Russian readers to understand, by paying due attention to the idiom of the folks{plain people) in a creative way and at the same time enriching, extending and diversifying means of expression of the Russian language.


1. 머리말
2. 이론적 전제와 기본적 가설
3. 푸슈킨 동화에서 선악의 비유수단 분석
4. 맺는말


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임흥수(Im Heung-Su). (1999).푸슈킨 동화에 나타난 선ㆍ악 재현 수단으로서의 비유 표현. 동유럽발칸학, 1(창간호) , 77-107


임흥수(Im Heung-Su). "푸슈킨 동화에 나타난 선ㆍ악 재현 수단으로서의 비유 표현." 동유럽발칸학, 1(창간호).(1999): 77-107

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