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루마니아 양차세계대전 동안의 문학 (1)

이용수 105

The Rumanian Literature during the Both World War
김성기(Song-Ki Kim)
간행물 정보
『동유럽발칸학』동유럽발칸학 창간호, 165~186쪽, 전체 22쪽
사회과학 > 지역학

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After world war I Rumania faced a serious economic difficulty and political chaos, the literature over this period naturally expressed economic problems and political tension at that time. Rumanian literature at that time was divided into 2 trends i. e. national trend relying on tradition represented by literary art magazine “Gîndirea" and modernism trend biased to western Europe represented by “Sburatorul". “Gîndirea" later distorted though, is indispensible in studying the spiritual thoughts of the time which made efforts to discover characteristics of rural communities without being influenced by modem culture concerning national tradition. The leading poet of this literary art magazine is Lucian Blaga regarded as a metaphysical traditionalist, who’s works express current spiritual and existential problems maintaining expressional forms using symbolic metaphors borrowed from Rumanian traditional customs. Meanwhile, Rumania caught up with other west European standard, making substantial development over a short period of time in not only poems but also novels. The subject of novels expanded from rural communities being dealt with by prose to urban areas and started to deal with problems newly developed in the urban areas as well as new environment i. e. problems associated with intelligent related with urban cities. 2 main streams of the novel over this period are inventive novels which express the characters by means of the center figures activities and reaction of surrounding society, and analysis novel which placed interest in the internal psychic life of the center figures. As to psycho analysis novels, Rebreanu’s “Pãdurea spãnzuratilor" and Camil Petrescu’s “Ultima noapte de dragoste, întîia nopate de rãzboi" are the leading works. Other than these in addition as to realistic novels, there are Rebreanu’s “Ion", “Rascoala", while lyrical narrative novels inspired by history and tradition are Sadoveanu’s “Baltagul".


1. 머리말
2. 본론
3. 맺는말


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김성기(Song-Ki Kim). (1999).루마니아 양차세계대전 동안의 문학 (1). 동유럽발칸학, 1(창간호) , 165-186


김성기(Song-Ki Kim). "루마니아 양차세계대전 동안의 문학 (1)." 동유럽발칸학, 1(창간호).(1999): 165-186

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