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안정효 소설에 나타난 미국의 이미지 연구

이용수 40

A Study on an Image of America Reflected in Ahn Jeong Hyo"s Novels
김미영(MeeYoung Kim)
간행물 정보
『미국학논집』제36집 3호, 25~53쪽, 전체 29쪽
인문학 > 기타인문학

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이 학술논문 정보는 (주)교보문고와 각 발행기관 사이에 저작물 이용 계약이 체결된 것으로, 교보문고를 통해 제공되고 있습니다.

1:1 문의
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  The purpose of this thesis is to investigate what is the America to Korean and how to get a better relationship between Koreans and Americans, For this purpose, the researcher selected Ahn Jeong Hyo"s novels as main text for the analysis since, as an bilingual author, he is very familiar both for the American culture and its cognition system. Many of his works have dealt with the lives of Korean emigrants in the United States.
  In the basically the emigrants novels of Ahn Jeong Hyo are constructed in opposition to Korea and America as a space. And then the two countries are described negatively in their images. For example, Korea is described as very poor economically and underdeveloped politically. In contrast, America is described a sexually corrupted country and her people usually pursuit for material gain. In Ahn Jeong Hyo"s novels, there are no spaces of peace between the two countries, As an escape from two of countries the characters of Ahn"s novels regress their purity and a warm friendship of childhood. But that is not an appropriate method to find peace in mind and to fix themselves in the real lard.
  As everybody knows, globalization is equivalent for "Americanization", the problem of emigrants" nationality is not monotone, but multiple things like their hybrid culture. Nowadays, if we have a need on knowing the identity of ourselves and finding the solution of our national problem, we should understand each of these, what is the effect of incoming Korean culture in America and what is the effect of incoming American culture in Korea. And we should consider an emigrants group as an hybrid culture group. Our transformation is possible with American change, at a time. That"s the reason it needs the multiple approaches on the emigrants group as the cultural and ethnic front.


1. 들어가는 말 : 안정효 소설과 미국
2. 안정효 소설에 나타난 미국의 이미지
3. 안정효 소설에 나타난 한국의 이미지
4. 미구과 한국의 공간적 대립구조로부터의 탈출 : 유년(기억)으로의 퇴행
5. 나오는 말 : 혼성화 사회와 내셔널리티의 문제
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김미영(MeeYoung Kim). (2004).안정효 소설에 나타난 미국의 이미지 연구. 미국학논집, 36 (3), 25-53


김미영(MeeYoung Kim). "안정효 소설에 나타난 미국의 이미지 연구." 미국학논집, 36.3(2004): 25-53

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