생태문학과 동양사상 : 또 다른 “오리엔탈리즘”인가?
이용수 362
- 영문명
- Ecological Literature and Oriental Thoughts: Another Orientalism?
- 발행기관
- 한국아메리카학회
- 저자명
- 김원중(Won-Chung Kim)
- 간행물 정보
- 『미국학논집』제36집 3호, 54~82쪽, 전체 29쪽
- 주제분류
- 인문학 > 기타인문학
- 파일형태
- 발행일자
- 2004.12.01
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국문 초록
영문 초록
This paper studies the way how some ecopoets such as A.R. Ammons, W.S. Merwin, and Gary Snyder incorporates oriental thoughts into their ecological vision. They believe the ecological crisis is due to the anthropocentric arrogance which thinks man is entitled to conquer and exploit nature at will. In the Buddhism and Taoism, they find an alternative view of nature, which regards man as a part of nature and asks us to respect it. Their interest in and study of the Oriental thoughts stems from their sense of immanent failure of the Western culture and their urgent need to find a way to solve the environmental crisis. In this sense, their attitude toward the Oriental thoughts is quite different form what Edward Said calls "Orientalism." Instead of trying to "construct and invent" the Orient as the other to perpetuate the imperial domination, these poets seek a genuine dialogue through which they hope to diagnose their own problem and find a way to curb the approaching disaster. To use J.J Clark"s words, this dialogue between the Oriental thoughts and ecology amounts to "a creative dialogue among two equal subjects through the fusion of horizons."
The fruitful marriage between Buddhism and ecology is best expressed in the works of Snyder. By combining the mercy of the Orient"s insight into the basic self with that of the Western social revolution, he presents Ecobuddhism as an alternative way of life. At the heart of Merwin"s poetics of absence lies the Buddhistic notion of nothingness, through which he deconstructs the anthropocentric arrogance and shows true place of the humankind in the universe. By incorporating Buddhistic idea of "being awake" into his poetics, he opens a new possibility of ecopoetics. Ammons"s imagination welds modern physics and Taoism into his unique poetic vision. Taoistic idea of flux and change underlies in his view of nature, which moves according to its own principle of Tao. Because nature is a mystery beyond human understanding and we are no more than a small part of it, Ammons argues wu-wei must be our proper attitude toward nature, In the works of these poets Orient is not the other of the political Orientalism but a very important another who can shed a new light on the harmonious relationship between man and nature.
The fruitful marriage between Buddhism and ecology is best expressed in the works of Snyder. By combining the mercy of the Orient"s insight into the basic self with that of the Western social revolution, he presents Ecobuddhism as an alternative way of life. At the heart of Merwin"s poetics of absence lies the Buddhistic notion of nothingness, through which he deconstructs the anthropocentric arrogance and shows true place of the humankind in the universe. By incorporating Buddhistic idea of "being awake" into his poetics, he opens a new possibility of ecopoetics. Ammons"s imagination welds modern physics and Taoism into his unique poetic vision. Taoistic idea of flux and change underlies in his view of nature, which moves according to its own principle of Tao. Because nature is a mystery beyond human understanding and we are no more than a small part of it, Ammons argues wu-wei must be our proper attitude toward nature, In the works of these poets Orient is not the other of the political Orientalism but a very important another who can shed a new light on the harmonious relationship between man and nature.
1. W. S. 머원: 공(空)의 비전을 통한 생태적 각오(覺悟)의 시학
2. 게리 스나이더: 생태불교와 모든 생명체의 승가(僧伽)
3. A.R. 에몬즈: 도가적 사유와 생태적 우주론
4. 결론
인용 문헌
2. 게리 스나이더: 생태불교와 모든 생명체의 승가(僧伽)
3. A.R. 에몬즈: 도가적 사유와 생태적 우주론
4. 결론
인용 문헌
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