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알카에다와 메가 테러리즘환경 분석 - 알카에다 조직의 메가 테러리즘 전략과 사례분석

이용수 491

A study on Al Qaeda"s strategy of Mega-terrorism and It"s terrorist circumstance
홍순남(Hong Soon Nam)
간행물 정보
『한국중동학회논총』제27권 제2호, 139~181쪽, 전체 43쪽
사회과학 > 지역학

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1:1 문의
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영문 초록

  Al Qaeda is an effective organization that has taken advantage of the mechanism of world terrorism. Al Qaeda"s strengths include its network structure and Islamic Jihad doctrine. Al Qaeda always benefits from linkage with numerous terrorist organizations and the Iraqi war.
  Cooperation in the midst of political chaos is extraordinarily difficult to achieve social stability in Iraq. Political chaos is a condition stemming from radical changes in political institutions in an unsettled state. Al Qaeda challenges the legitimacy of secular successor states in Islam World, to van the tide of Western influence over these Islam states. Since semi-permanent presence of American troops on Saudi Arabia soil as holy land after the Gulf War, instability of Middle East has been characteristic. Islamic fundamentalism against American presence in Middle East has been spread. A violent strategy of Al Qaeda inflicts maximum civilian and economic damages against USA and the West as Mega-terrorism. Al Qaeda"s radical terrorism takes full advantage of a goal to withdrawal all foreign troops from Iraq.
  As a step toward that understanding, this paper investigates the motivations of terrorism circumstance behind Afghanistan and Iraqi wars chosen by American unipolar power game. There are two terrorist battlefields, Palestine and Iraq.
  This paper combines facts with Al Qaeda"s Mega-terrorism and political changes in Middle East by American-Israeli alliance. This study has concentrated on the perspective of terrorism to understand the various interactions between Iraqi war and Palestinian intifada movement. Bush administration gained its political and economic interests in Arab World. It can control World"s energy on the name of Iraqi democracy. But on the othe side, Bush administration has been suffering with facing anti-American feelings as Arab feelings of Islamism identity. And the USA is isolated in the World politics. Al Qaeda"s Mega-terrorism create a new and difficult challenge for all nation-states.


Ⅰ. 서론
Ⅱ. 국제테러리즘환경과 알카에다 조직분석
Ⅲ. 알카에다 조직과 중동테러리즘환경
Ⅳ. 알카에다 조직의 테러전략분석과 메가 테러리즘 사례분석
Ⅴ. 결론 : 국제테러리즘환경과 중동테러리즘환경의 역학관계


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홍순남(Hong Soon Nam). (2007).알카에다와 메가 테러리즘환경 분석 - 알카에다 조직의 메가 테러리즘 전략과 사례분석. 한국중동학회논총, 27 (2), 139-181


홍순남(Hong Soon Nam). "알카에다와 메가 테러리즘환경 분석 - 알카에다 조직의 메가 테러리즘 전략과 사례분석." 한국중동학회논총, 27.2(2007): 139-181

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