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오사마 빈 라덴의 담화에 나타난 언어적 특징과 수사적 전략에 관한 고찰

이용수 47

An Analysis of the linguistic features and rhetorical tactics in the discourse of Osama bin Laden
사희만(Sa Hee-Man)
간행물 정보
『한국중동학회논총』제27권 제2호, 183~202쪽, 전체 20쪽
사회과학 > 지역학

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  The aim of this study was to analyze the discourse by Osama bin Laden from the viewpoint of the language and rhetoric and clarify what rhetorical tactics he is employing for the argument in the discourse. For this analysis, the discourse delivered by Bin Laden in October 29, 2004 was chosen as the text to be analyzed because the Arabic text was available on the internet and Bin Laden has appeared in the public for the first time since he appeared on the video one year ago. Also,
  First, from the analysis of the contents, the discourse was characteristically addressed to the American people only. not Bush or the U.S. administration. Therefore, it is supposed that Bin Laden wanted to warn the American people of a repeat of what happened and he also tried evidently to influence the American people in public opinion on the occasion the imminent presidential election.
  Secondly, the type of language in the discourse was purely Classical Arabic, and there are some reasonable factors and motives for the non-use of the dialect, and code-switching between MSA and the varieties of dialect in discourse.
  Thirdly, Bin Laden associates himself personally with believing, swearing, taking positions on, having confidence in, stressing, talking via use of the first person singular. The plural pronouns appear to express an inclusive "we" that refer to the category of "Bin Laden and Muslim community", "Bin Laden and his militants", or "al-Qaeda" itself according to the context of the discourse. In this context, the use of first plural pronoun and the plural verb is supposed to create a shared sense of solidarity and participation. As the result of the analysis, the frequency of the use of the first plural pronouns was much higher than the singular pronouns, which can be interpreted as his intention not to focus on himself, but "al-Qaeda" in general being focused upon, even if he is masterminding behind them.
  The frequency of the use of self-referencing was found to be very low, using some signifiers such as "people", "the world", "the free person". This means that Bin Laden did not want to stand on the stage but stay behind the curtain. This can be proven by the fact that he frequently quotes Koranic verses, proverbs, poems in his speech, thus creating a sense of persuasion and credibility among the audience.
  From the analysis of the references to the participants in the discourse, I knew that Bush was depicted as a hostile tyrant while the American people were addressed in the favorable and friendly tones for the purpose of persuasion, warning, and conciliation. The negative expressions were employed to refer to the Arab governments But he seemed to induce the sympathy from the addressees of the speech by depicting the Arab children and women as victims in the discourse. Also, the technique of details was employed to create the reality and dramatic vision in the discourse.
  From the analysis, it has become clear and evident that the linguistic and rhetorical aspects are related to each other in the discourse.


Ⅰ. 서론
Ⅱ. 담화의 내용과 언어
Ⅲ. 수사적 전략
Ⅳ. 결론


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사희만(Sa Hee-Man). (2007).오사마 빈 라덴의 담화에 나타난 언어적 특징과 수사적 전략에 관한 고찰. 한국중동학회논총, 27 (2), 183-202


사희만(Sa Hee-Man). "오사마 빈 라덴의 담화에 나타난 언어적 특징과 수사적 전략에 관한 고찰." 한국중동학회논총, 27.2(2007): 183-202

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