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이슬람 지하드의 의미와 그 현대적 적용

이용수 228

A Study on the Meaning of Islamic Jihad and Its Modern Application
황병하(Hwang Byung-Ha)
간행물 정보
『한국중동학회논총』제27권 제2호, 1~35쪽, 전체 35쪽
사회과학 > 지역학

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1:1 문의
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  This paper is designed to research on the meaning of Islamic Jihad, its origin, its principles, its functions and its application in the various modern trends of Islamic Fundamentalism. The Jihad(noun) comes from "jahada"(verb), and it simply means "to exert", "to endeavor", "to struggle", "to do one"s best". Ordinally the Muslims agree that the Jihad-obligation may fulfill by his heart, his tongue, his hands and his sword. Many Muslims realize that the most important form of Jihad is Jihad by the heart and tongue. In the West the Jihad is considered as the Holy War. But it is not correct. It is just their own view. The Muslims emphasize that the spiritual struggle in the path of Allah is the real Jihad. They separate the Jihad into two categories. The first one is the Greater Jihad, and the second one is the Lesser Jihad. The greater Jihad is internal striving in the path of Allah and spiritual struggle against evil rather than external fighting. The lesser Jihad is a defensive duty of a Muslim provided he is attacked. It is well known that the Prophet Muhammad gave top precedence to the greater Jihad. In the modern time, Muslims use the word Jihad in a positive sense to signify the religious truth of Islam on the one hand, while to carry a message of the religious violence on the other hand. But the Islamic violence of Jihad is not appropriate and adaptable for the needs of contemporary Muslims. So "the Jihad is a kind of terror" should be translated again. And Islamopobia should be reconsidered through the correct translation of Jihad.
  In chapter Ⅱ, the meaning of the Holy War is depicted. In the ancient time, the meaning of War had been developed from conquest war - revenge war - self defence war. The Holy War is the conquest war controlled by the God, with the God and carried out in the religious aims. For the Jews the Holy War was the conquest war of Canaan. And in the precise meaning, the Crusade War was not a Holy War.
  In chapter Ⅲ, the relationship between the Islamic Jihad and the Holy War is given. According to the Jewish meaning of the Holy War, the greater Jihad is not the Holy War, and the lesser Jihad may be considered as a kind of the Holy War.
  In chapter Ⅳ and Ⅴ, the meaning of Jihad, the origin of Jihad, the principle of Jihad and the function of Jihad are described. It is well known that the above mentioned subjects are found in the Holy Quran and Hadith.
  In chapter Ⅵ, the radical and revolutionary meaning of Jihad in the contemporary Islam is given, and the interrelationship between the classical Jihad and the radical-revolutionary Jihad is delivered. Moderate Muslims agree that the radical and revolutionary Jihad in the modern times is not a real Jihad. Because it is carried out politically rather than religiously.


Ⅰ. 서론
Ⅱ. 성전이란 무엇인가?
Ⅲ. 이슬람 지하드와 성전
Ⅳ. 지하드의 의미와 기원
Ⅴ. 지하드의 원리원칙과 기능
Ⅵ. 지하드와 현대이슬람원리주의
Ⅶ. 결론


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황병하(Hwang Byung-Ha). (2007).이슬람 지하드의 의미와 그 현대적 적용. 한국중동학회논총, 27 (2), 1-35


황병하(Hwang Byung-Ha). "이슬람 지하드의 의미와 그 현대적 적용." 한국중동학회논총, 27.2(2007): 1-35

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