간호대학생의 문화역량과 문화간호역량 교육 요구도
이용수 146
- 영문명
- The Cultural Competency and Educational Needs for the Cultural Nursing Competency of Nursing Students
- 발행기관
- 다문화건강학회
- 저자명
- 조미진 윤혜원 임지영
- 간행물 정보
- 『다문화건강학회지』제14권 제1호, 75~85쪽, 전체 11쪽
- 주제분류
- 의약학 > 의학일반
- 파일형태
- 발행일자
- 2024.04.30
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국문 초록
Purpose: This cross-sectional study sought to comprehend the cultural competency and educational requirements for cultural nursing competency among nursing students, while also evaluating the correlation between them. Methods: A to-tal of 75 nursing students participated in this study. Baseline characteristics, cultural competency, and educational needs regarding cultural nursing competency were assessed using a structured questionnaire. The data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, independent t-tests, and Pearson correlation coefficient on the SPSS 23.0 software. Results: On a 5-point Likert scale, the mean score for the cultural competency of nursing students was 3.28±.57. Among its sub-domains, cultural awareness scored the highest, followed by cultural sensitivity, skills, encounters, and knowledge. The mean score for the educational needs with regard to cultural nursing competency was 7.70±1.27 on a 10-point scale. Among its subdomains, the highest educational demand was for cultural communication, followed by attitude, skills, and knowledge of cultural nursing competency. The cultural competency of the nursing students and their educational needs with respect to cultural nursing competency showed a positive correlation. Conclusions: To address the educational needs of nursing students with respect to cultural nursing competency, it is recommended that programs be developed to enhance cultural communication, attitude, and skills. The findings of this study could serve as foundational information for developing programs that enhance the cultural nursing competency of nursing students.
영문 초록
서 론
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