유아기 첫 자녀를 둔 30대 부부의 양육경험과 부부 의사소통에 관한 연구
이용수 0
- 영문명
- Parenting Experiences and Marital Communication A Study of First-Time Parents in Their 30s
- 발행기관
- 한국아동가족복지학회
- 저자명
- 고정국(Junggoog Go)
- 간행물 정보
- 『한국가족복지학』Vol.29 No.4, 733~754쪽, 전체 22쪽
- 주제분류
- 사회과학 > 사회복지학
- 파일형태
- 발행일자
- 2024.12.31
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이 학술논문 정보는 (주)교보문고와 각 발행기관 사이에 저작물 이용 계약이 체결된 것으로, 교보문고를 통해 제공되고 있습니다.

국문 초록
Objective: This study aimed to explore the parenting experiences and communication patterns of couples in their 30s raising their first child in early childhood, with a focus on how these experiences shape their relationship dynamics and personal growth. Methods: A qualitative phenomenological approach was employed. In-depth individual and couple interviews were conducted with five dual-income couples (N=10) in their 30s with a first child aged 3-6 years. Data were analyzed using Colaizzi's phenomenological analysis method. Results: Five main categories emerged from the analysis: 1) Encountering the child: Initial adaptation to parenthood; 2) Transitioning from a couple to parents: Role changes and shifts in communication patterns; 3) Family restructuring: Adjustments in family dynamics and roles; 4) Understanding the world through the child: Parental growth and value changes; and 5) Developing a partnership: Evolution of the couple relationship through parenting. Key findings included the challenges of balancing work and childcare, the importance of effective communication in managing parenting stress, the influence of participants' own childhood experiences on their parenting approach, and the transformative impact of parenthood on gender roles and couple dynamics. Conclusions: The study highlights the complex interplay between parenting experiences and couple communication among young parents in contemporary Korean society. The findings suggest the need for enhanced social support systems, including flexible work arrangements, improved parental leave policies, and accessible counseling services for new parents. The research also emphasizes the importance of fostering effective communication skills and equal parenting involvement to navigate the challenges of early parenthood successfully.
영문 초록
Ⅰ. 서 론
Ⅱ. 연구방법
Ⅲ. 연구결과
Ⅳ. 결론 및 논의
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