新时代高校大学生婚育观培育路径研究—以YMU 大学为例
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- 영문명
- Research on the Cultivation Path of Marriage and Childbearing View of College Students in the New Era: A Case Study of YMU
- 발행기관
- YIXIN 출판사
- 저자명
- 武彩凤(Wu Caifeng)
- 간행물 정보
- 『Journal of Education and Teaching』제2권 제10호, 82~91쪽, 전체 10쪽
- 주제분류
- 사회과학 > 교육학
- 파일형태
- 발행일자
- 2024.10.31
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국문 초록
The views on marriage and fertility of college students in the new era are a clear reflection of the basic orientation of contemporary social marriage and love values and the future development trend of China's marriage and family, even affecting the future population and economic development trends of our country. Faced with the current unbalanced population situation, the construction of a rational view on marriage and fertility for college students in the new era is urgent. Therefore, based on an in-depth survey of the current views on marriage and fertility among students at YMU University, this paper suggests that the construction of a rational view on marriage and fertility requires not only the students themselves to actively improve their personal cultivation and rationally discern new types of marriage and fertility concepts emerging in society;it also requires families to play a foundational role by strengthening emotional education;universities to innovate the connotation of marriage and fertility education, and to construct a new culture of marriage and fertility;and the state to improve the policy support system for marriage and fertility. Only through the efforts of multiple parties can a positive, healthy, and harmonious culture of marriage and fertility be created, promoting the healthy development of young people and the harmonious stability of society, and achieving long-term balanced population development.
영문 초록
新时代大学生的婚育观是当代社会婚恋价值基本取向和未来我国婚姻家庭基本走向的鲜明折射,甚至影响着我国未来的人口和经济发展趋势。面对当前人口不均衡的社会形势,构建新时代大学生理性婚育观迫在眉睫。因此,本文在深入调研YMU 大学生婚育观现状的基础上,提出构建理性的婚育观不仅需要学生本人主动提升个人修养,理性辨别社会出现的新型婚育观念;还需要家庭发挥基础地位,加强情感教育;学校创新婚育教育内涵,构建新型婚育文化以及国家完善婚育政策支持体系。只有通过多方努力,才能营造积极、健康、和谐的婚育文化环境,促进青年的健康发展和社会的和谐稳定,实现人口长期均衡发展。
Ⅰ. 研究背景
Ⅱ. 问卷基本概况
Ⅲ. 调查数据分析
Ⅳ. 新时代大学生婚育观培育路径
Ⅴ. 结语
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