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청사 없는 거버넌스, 근·현대 목포오거리 茶房文化를 통한 도시재생 활로모색

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Non Complex Governance, Seeking for City Regeneration Ways throughout modern dabang cultures around Mokpo Ogeori
김대호(Daeho Kim)
간행물 정보
『한국차문화』제6집, 279~299쪽, 전체 21쪽
사회과학 > 사회과학일반

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1:1 문의
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Emotion of citizens on Mokpo old downtown is probably 'longing for the old glory that disappeared', which is gradually fixed as 'Port toward Jeju and Hong-do'. However, tangible·intangible modern historical cultural relics of original downtown with enough applicability as the biggest resource are discounted as the symbol of old period, accordingly, the citizens also do not recognize the existence of it properly. Sociocultural and historical asset, human resource, street and buildings that old city has are not the obstacles, but the most important basic strength to recover. Also, the most important key words of city regeneration are self-generation and indigenousness secured with initiative of organized and conscientized citizens. Mokpo old downtown city regeneration business which is not established with core tast in this direction has high probability to be one-off event that is again terminated along with consumption of budget after producing various kinds and various types of citizen conflict. Accordingly, this research aimed at searching the tasks for success of Mokpo city regeneration mainly with Mokpo Ogeori and Dabang culture(coffee shop culture, 茶房文化). This research investigated development and process of declination of Mokpo port and Mokpo Ogeori up to today since the port opening by Korean Empire Emperor Gojong in 1897, and illuminated unique characteristic that modern Korean Dabang culture(茶房文化) has as the control box that undertook herb role of communication and conflict resolution along with cultural art and business area. Also, this research searched problem solution plan and alternative of city regeneration business of Mokpo original downtown area that has been promoted meantime and is newly promoted by Mokpo-si by aggregating various city regeneration cases in domestic and overseas. Currently, it is necessary to recover the function of 'Governance without government office' that Mokpo Ogeori and Dabang culture undertook, and city regeneration of Mokpo-si should be promoted with city regeneration prepared with self-generation and sustainability that private association by awakened citizens, composed of citizens, cultural artists, merchants and industrialists, small merchants, academic circles and expert activists, etc., undertake the control box function.


Ⅰ. 들어가는 말
Ⅱ. 목포오거리와 목포형 다방문화의 형성
Ⅲ. 목포 원도심 도시재생사업의 한계
Ⅳ. 목포 원도심 활성화를 위한 10가지 제언
Ⅴ. 나가는 말


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김대호(Daeho Kim). (2015).청사 없는 거버넌스, 근·현대 목포오거리 茶房文化를 통한 도시재생 활로모색. 한국차문화, (), 279-299


김대호(Daeho Kim). "청사 없는 거버넌스, 근·현대 목포오거리 茶房文化를 통한 도시재생 활로모색." 한국차문화, (2015): 279-299

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