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Glucagon 검사시 Aprotinin 첨가와 Plastic tube 사용이 미치는 영향

이용수 2

The Effects of Aprotinin Addition and Plastic Tube Usage for Glucagon Test Results.
조윤교(Youn Kyo Cho) 최삼규(Sam Kyu Choi) 서소연(So Yeon Seo) 신용환(Yong Hwan Shin)
간행물 정보
『핵의학기술』Vol.15 No.1, 117~120쪽, 전체 4쪽
의약학 > 방사선과학

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Purpose: There are 3 warnings for Glucagon tests. First, EDTA tubes that already contain Aprotinin must be used for plasma collection. Second, for freezer storage of centrifuged plasma, glass tubes must be used. Last, glass tubes must be used for testing procedure. So we compared the glucagon results of next 3 situation to those of control group. First, We compared to results by tubes without Aprotinin and with aprotinin. Second, we compared to results by tubes(plastic vs glass) for plasma storage. Third, we compared to results by tubes(plastic vs glass) for testing. We tried to evaluate the results of the 3 different condition. Materials and Methods: 40 healthy adults were studied with normal results on the general medical check up and laboratory tests. We compared the results of 3 different condition belows: Blood were collected in EDTA tube containing aprotinin and plasma was stored in the glass tube for 3 days in a freezer and results were obtained by tests in the glass tubes. Results from EDTA plasma without aprotinin, results from platic tubes for freezer stroage, results from plastic tube when testing. Simple linear regression analysis and paired t-test using SPSS were done for statistical analysis. Commercial glucagon kit(RIA-method)which made by Siemens company were used. Results: Correlation coefficient between results of EDTA tubes with Aprotinin vs without Aprotinin was r = 0.783 (p = 0.064). Result of specimen in plastic tubes stored 3 days in a freezer showed lower value compared to those in glass tube(r = 0.979, p = 0.005). Also, results of testing in plastic tubes showed lower values than those testing in glass tubes. (r = 0.754, p <0.001). Conclusion: It is recommended for glucagon determination to use EDTA tube with Aprotinin which is a inhibitor of protein breakdown enzyme. Results of plastic tube when storage and testing showed lower value than those of glass tubes, so it is recommended to store and test in glass tubes.


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조윤교(Youn Kyo Cho),최삼규(Sam Kyu Choi),서소연(So Yeon Seo),신용환(Yong Hwan Shin). (2011).Glucagon 검사시 Aprotinin 첨가와 Plastic tube 사용이 미치는 영향. 핵의학기술, 15 (1), 117-120


조윤교(Youn Kyo Cho),최삼규(Sam Kyu Choi),서소연(So Yeon Seo),신용환(Yong Hwan Shin). "Glucagon 검사시 Aprotinin 첨가와 Plastic tube 사용이 미치는 영향." 핵의학기술, 15.1(2011): 117-120

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