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Pixelated Breast-Specific Gamma Imaging(BSGI) 감마 카메라를 이용한 갑상선 검사의 유용성 평가

이용수 2

The Evaluation of Usefulness of Pixelated Breast-Specific Gamma Imaging in Thyroid scan
정은미(Eun Mi Jung) 성지혜(Ji Hye Seong) 유희재(Hee Jae Yoo)
간행물 정보
『핵의학기술』Vol.15 No.1, 90~93쪽, 전체 4쪽
의약학 > 방사선과학

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Purpose: A Pixelated BSGI gamma camera has features to enhance resolution and sensitivity and minimize the distance between detector and organs by narrow FOV. Therefore, it is known as useful device to examine small organs such as thyroid, parathyroid and gall bladder. In general, when we would like to enlarge the size of images and obtain high resolution images by gamma camera in nuclear medicine study, we use pinhole collimator. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the usefulness of Pixelated BSGI gamma camera and to compare to it using pinhole collimator in thyroid scan which is a study of typical small organs. Materials and methods: ①The evaluation of sensitivity and spatial resolution: We measured sensitivity and spatial resolution of Pixelated BSGI with LEHR collimator and Infinia gamma camera with pinhole collimator. The sensitivity was measured by point source sensitivity test recommended by IAEA. We acquired images considering dead time in BSGI gamma camera for 100 seconds and used ⁹⁹ᵐTcO4- 400 μCi line source. ②The evaluation of thyroid phantom: The thyroid phantom was filled with ⁹⁹ᵐTcO4-. After set 300 sec or 100 kcts stop conditions, we acquired images from both pixelated BSGI gamma camera and Infinia gamma camera with LEHR collimator. And we performed all thyroid studies in the same way as current AMC’s procedure. Results: ①the result of sensitivity: As a result, the sensitivity and spatial resolution of pixelated BSGI gamma camera were better than Infinia’s. The sensitivities of pixelated BSGI and Infinia gamma camera were 290 cps/μCi and 350 cps/μCi respectively. So, the sensitivity of pixelated BSGI was 1.2 times higher than Infinia’s ②the result of thyroid phantom: Consequently, we confirmed that images of Pixelated BSGI gamma camera were more distinguishable between hot and cold spot compared with Infinia gamma camera. Conclusion: A pixelated BSGI gamma camera is able to shorten the acquisition time. Furthermore, the patients are exposed to radiation less than before by reducing amount of radiopharmaceutical doses. Shortening scan time makes images better by minimizing patient’s breath and motion. And also, the distance between organ and detector is minimized because detector of pixelated BSGI gamma camera is small and possible to rotate. When patient cannot move at all, it is useful since device is feasible to move itself. However, although a pixelated BSGI gamma camera has these advantages, the effect of dead time occurs over 2000 cts/s since it was produced only for breast scan. So, there were low concentrations in organ. Therefore, we should consider that it needs to take tests to adjust acquisition time and amount of radiopharmaceutical doses in thyroid scan case with a pixelated BSGI gamma camera.


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정은미(Eun Mi Jung),성지혜(Ji Hye Seong),유희재(Hee Jae Yoo). (2011).Pixelated Breast-Specific Gamma Imaging(BSGI) 감마 카메라를 이용한 갑상선 검사의 유용성 평가. 핵의학기술, 15 (1), 90-93


정은미(Eun Mi Jung),성지혜(Ji Hye Seong),유희재(Hee Jae Yoo). "Pixelated Breast-Specific Gamma Imaging(BSGI) 감마 카메라를 이용한 갑상선 검사의 유용성 평가." 핵의학기술, 15.1(2011): 90-93

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