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3D OSEM 재구성 법에서 반복연산(Iteration) 횟수와 부분집합(Subset) 개수 변경에 따른 영상의 질 평가

이용수 2

The Evaluation of Reconstructed Images in 3D OSEM According to Iteration and Subset Number
김동석(Dong Seok Kim) 김성환(Seong hwan Kim) 심동오(Dong Oh Shim) 유희재(Hee Jae Yoo)
간행물 정보
『핵의학기술』Vol.15 No.1, 17~24쪽, 전체 8쪽
의약학 > 방사선과학

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Purpose: Presently in the nuclear medicine field, the high-speed image reconstruction algorithm like the OSEM algorithm is widely used as the alternative of the filtered back projection method due to the rapid development and application of the digital computer. There is no to relate and if it applies the optimal parameter be clearly determined. In this research, the quality change of the Jaszczak phantom experiment and brain SPECT patient data according to the iteration times and subset number change try to be been put through and analyzed in 3D OSEM reconstruction method of applying 3D beam modeling. Materials and Methods: Patient data from august, 2010 studied and analyzed against 5 patients implementing the brain SPECT until september, 2010 in the nuclear medicine department of ASAN medical center. The phantom image used the mixed Jaszczak phantom equally and obtained the water and 99mTc (500 MBq) in the dual head gamma camera Symbia T2 of Siemens. When reconstructing each image altogether with patient data and phantom data, we changed iteration number as 1, 4, 8, 12, 24 and 30 times and subset number as 2, 4, 8, 16 and 32 times. We reconstructed in reconstructed each image, the variation coefficient for guessing about noise of images and image contrast, FWHM were produced and compared. Results: In patients and phantom experiment data, a contrast and spatial resolution of an image showed the tendency to increase linearly altogether according to the increment of the iteration times and subset number but the variation coefficient did not show the tendency to be improved according to the increase of two parameters. In the comparison according to the scan time, the image contrast and FWHM showed altogether the result of being linearly improved according to the iteration times and subset number increase in projection per 10, 20 and 30 second image but the variation coefficient did not show the tendency to be improved. Conclusion: The linear relationship of the image contrast improved in 3D OSEM reconstruction method image of applying 3D beam modeling through this experiment like the existing 1D and 2D OSEM reconfiguration method according to the iteration times and subset number increase could be confirmed. However, this is simple phantom experiment and the result of obtaining by the some patients limited range and the various variables can be existed. So for generalizing this based on this results of this experiment, there is the excessiveness and the evaluation about 3D OSEM reconfiguration method should be additionally made through experiments after this.


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김동석(Dong Seok Kim),김성환(Seong hwan Kim),심동오(Dong Oh Shim),유희재(Hee Jae Yoo). (2011).3D OSEM 재구성 법에서 반복연산(Iteration) 횟수와 부분집합(Subset) 개수 변경에 따른 영상의 질 평가. 핵의학기술, 15 (1), 17-24


김동석(Dong Seok Kim),김성환(Seong hwan Kim),심동오(Dong Oh Shim),유희재(Hee Jae Yoo). "3D OSEM 재구성 법에서 반복연산(Iteration) 횟수와 부분집합(Subset) 개수 변경에 따른 영상의 질 평가." 핵의학기술, 15.1(2011): 17-24

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