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핵의학과 일반 의료폐기물에서의 방사능 오염에 관한 고찰

이용수 2

A Study on Medical Waste Contaminated by Radioactivity in Nuclear Medicine Department
유재숙(Jae Sook Yoo) 장정찬(Jeong Chan Kim) 이동훈(Dong Hoon Lee) 차민경(Min Kyeong Cha) 남기표(Ki Pyo Nam)
간행물 정보
『핵의학기술』Vol.15 No.1, 70~74쪽, 전체 5쪽
의약학 > 방사선과학

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Purpose: In the Nuclear Medicine department of Asan Medical Center, radioactive waste has been disposed of by using several disposal boxes designed for nuclear waste. However, some quantity of radioactivity has been detected occasionally due to some radiologists’ carelessness not only from radioactive waste, but also from medical waste such as uncontrolled radioactive waste related to patients, poly gloves or saline solution bottles from radiopharmaceuticals laboratory. Thus, this study is going to suggest a solution to maintain the medical wastes made from controlled areas that can be below maximum permissible surface dose limits by finding the cause of radioactive contamination. Materials and methods: This study was taken place in 17 different places-2 medical wastebaskets in the waiting room, 2 medical wastebaskets in the PET room, 5 medical wastebaskets in the in vitro laboratory and 6 medical wastebaskets in the radiopharmaceuticals laboratory of the East building, 2 medical wastebaskets in the waiting room of the New building of Nuclear Medicine Department in Asan Medical Center from April to August 2010. Mean radioactivity and its standard deviation of each place have been found by measuring surface contamination of medical wastebaskets and backgrounds twice a week, totaling 30 times. An independent t-test of SPSS (Ver. 12.0) statistic program has been used for statistical analysis. Swabs, saline solution bottles and poly gloves collected from each place also measured 30 times, respectively. Results: This study analyzed medical waste and the backgrounds of each place by using survey meter detectors that significant differences of five places did not exist, but existed statistically in twelve places (p<0.05). Also, swabs, saline solution bottles and poly gloves collected from each radioactive waste partly exceed the legal dose limit as a result of measuring by a gamma counter. Conclusion: Backgrounds and the surface doses of radioactive disposal box in all 17 places measured by the survey meter did not exceed the legal dose limit; however, it obviously showed that there were prominent differences in 12 places. Assuming that the cause of the differences was swabs, saline solution bottles and gloves, we examined them by gamma counter, and the results showed remarkably high doses of radioactivity. Consequently, swabs and poly gloves which are normally disposed in the general medical waste box should be disposed in the radioactive waste box furnished by radiopharmaceuticals laboratory. Also, saline solution discharged from radioactive pharmaceutical places is considered as radioactive liquid waste so that it should be disposed of by the septic tank specifically designed for radioactive liquid.


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유재숙(Jae Sook Yoo),장정찬(Jeong Chan Kim),이동훈(Dong Hoon Lee),차민경(Min Kyeong Cha),남기표(Ki Pyo Nam). (2011).핵의학과 일반 의료폐기물에서의 방사능 오염에 관한 고찰. 핵의학기술, 15 (1), 70-74


유재숙(Jae Sook Yoo),장정찬(Jeong Chan Kim),이동훈(Dong Hoon Lee),차민경(Min Kyeong Cha),남기표(Ki Pyo Nam). "핵의학과 일반 의료폐기물에서의 방사능 오염에 관한 고찰." 핵의학기술, 15.1(2011): 70-74

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