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알도 로시의 소규모 기념물에 나타난 공공성의 표현특성연구

이용수 9

A Study on the Design Characteristics of Publicity in Aldo Rossi’s Small Monuments
서정연(Jeong Yeon Suh)
간행물 정보
『한국가구학회지』제33권 제3호, 250~262쪽, 전체 13쪽
예술체육 > 미술

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Aldo Rossi's small monuments, known as postmodernist architects who borrow popular and communicative forms of classical architecture, were treated relatively poorly in the field of study. This is due to the fact that these monuments were not buildings but small urban facilities, so they did not attract the attention of architectural researchers. However, considering these monuments from the perspective of publicity, not architectural design, can obtain helpful wisdom in today's situation. From the 1960s to 1990, he designed four monuments, The Monument to the Resistance in Cuneo (1962), Monumental Fountain in Milan (1962), Segrate Town Hall Square and Monument to the Partisans (1965), and Monument to Sandro Pertini (1990). Aldo Rossi's small monuments have no representative nature at all, starting with political slogans or administrative keywords. Nevertheless, it evokes the memories of viewers and summons events related to their lives, thereby forming an urban place and filling the contents of publicity. The form of publicity he pursued was not the creation of visual and conceptual symbols, but a metaphorical and poetic method through the invocation of urban formations that remind of community events and places based on the individual memories of observers. This can be said to provide important implications for the reality of Korea today, especially at a time when many local governments pay attention to specific sculptures in the name of public design projects


1. 서 론
2. 공공성 개념과 알도 로시의 조형관 고찰
3. 소규모 기념물에서의 공공성 분석
4. 결 론


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서정연(Jeong Yeon Suh). (2022).알도 로시의 소규모 기념물에 나타난 공공성의 표현특성연구. 한국가구학회지, 33 (3), 250-262


서정연(Jeong Yeon Suh). "알도 로시의 소규모 기념물에 나타난 공공성의 표현특성연구." 한국가구학회지, 33.3(2022): 250-262

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