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일본 지체부자유아교육 연구의 동향

이용수 1

The Trends of Educational Research on Physically Handicapped Children Found in Articles Published in the Conferences for Special Education in Japan
조홍중(Cho, Hong-Joong)
간행물 정보
『지체.중복.건강장애연구』제50권 제3호, 175~197쪽, 전체 23쪽
사회과학 > 교육학

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1:1 문의
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본 연구는 최근 3년간 일본 특수교육학회에서 발표된 논문집에 나타난 지체부자유아 교육의 연구동향을 분석하고 이를 통하여, 추후 지체부자유아교육 연구의 방향을 생각해보는 시사점을 얻는 것을 목적으로 하였다. 이를 위하여 2004년부터 2006년까지의 3년간 일본 특수교육학회에서 발표된 논문 총1888편 중 지체부자유 관련 논문 109편을 선정하여 분석하였다. 분석방법은 1) 발표 형태별, 2) 연구 연도별, 3) 연구 형태별, 4) 연구 주제별(세부장애 영역별)에 따른 연구동향을 분석하였다. 분석결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 일본 특수교육학회에서 발표된 논문 가운데 지체부자유 분야의 연구 형태를 보면, 2인 공동연구가 46.8%, 3인 이상의 연구가 28.4%, 단독연구가 24.8%로 75.2%가 공동연구 형태로 연구가 이루어지고 있는 것으로 나타났다.둘째, 일본 특수교육학회에서 발표된 연도별 지체부자유 분야의 연구 논문 편수를 보면, 2004년 7%(44편), 2005년 5%(30편), 2006년 5%(35편)로 연도별 차이는 보이지 않는 것으로 나타났다.셋째, 일본 특수교육학회에서 발표된 논문의 지체부자유 분야의 연구 형태를 보면, 전체연구의 14.7%%가 한 주제에 대한 지속연구의 형태로 이루어지고 있는 것으로 나타났다. 넷째, 일본 특수교육학회에서 발표된 논문의 지체부자유 분야의 주제별(세부 장애영역의 범주) 연구 동향은 지체부자유 관련 연구가 49.5%, 건강장애 관련 연구가 40.4%, 그리고 뇌병변장애 관련 연구가 10.1%의 순으로 연구가 이루어지고 있었다.

영문 초록

The purpose ot this study is to analyze the research trends found in articles published in the conferences for special education for recent three years in Japan and examine the direction of further researches on the education of physically handicapped children. To achieve this purpose, of a total of 1888 articles published in the conferences for special education for recent three years from 2004 to 2006, 109 articles related to physical handicap were selected and analyzed. The methods of analysis were associated with 1) year of publishment, 2) type of publishment, 3) type of research, and 4) subject of research(detailed area of handicap). The following results were obtained. First, regarding the type of publication of the physical handicap field found in articles published in the conferences for special education in Japan, a joint research of more than two people was 46.8%, a joint research of more than three people was 28.4%, and a single research was 24.8%, suggesting that the majority was conducted by a joint research(75.2%). Second, regarding the number of article on physical handicap published in the conferences for special education in Japan per year, no significant difference was found in year 7% in 2004, 5% in 2005, and 5% in 2006. Third, regarding the type of research on the physical handicap field found in articles published in the conferences for special education in Japan, 47.7% was found to be conducted as a continuous research on one subject. Finally, regarding the subject(detailed area of handicap) of publication of the physical handicap field found in articles published in the conferences for special education in Japan, physical handicap-related researches were 49.5%, health disorder-related researches were 40.4%, and brain lesion-related researches were 10.1%. The purpose ot this study is to analyze the research trends found in articles published in the conferences for special education for recent three years in Japan and examine the direction of further researches on the education of physically handicapped children. To achieve this purpose, of a total of 1888 articles published in the conferences for special education for recent three years from 2004 to 2006, 109 articles related to physical handicap were selected and analyzed. The methods of analysis were associated with 1) year of publishment, 2) type of publishment, 3) type of research, and 4) subject of research(detailed area of handicap). The following results were obtained. First, regarding the type of publication of the physical handicap field found in articles published in the conferences for special education in Japan, a joint research of more than two people was 46.8%, a joint research of more than three people was 28.4%, and a single research was 24.8%, suggesting that the majority was conducted by a joint research(75.2%). Second, regarding the number of article on physical handicap published in the conferences for special education in Japan per year, no significant difference was found in year 7% in 2004, 5% in 2005, and 5% in 2006. Third, regarding the type of research on the physical handicap field found in articles published in the conferences for special education in Japan, 47.7% was found to be conducted as a continuous research on one subject. Finally, regarding the subject(detailed area of handicap) of publication of the physical handicap field found in articles published in the conferences for special education in Japan, physical handicap-related researches were 49.5%, health disorder-related researches were 40.4%, and brain lesion-related researches were 10.1%.


Ⅰ. 서 론
Ⅱ. 연구방법
Ⅲ. 연구결과 및 논의
Ⅳ. 논의 및 결론


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조홍중(Cho, Hong-Joong). (2007).일본 지체부자유아교육 연구의 동향. 지체.중복.건강장애연구, 50 (3), 175-197


조홍중(Cho, Hong-Joong). "일본 지체부자유아교육 연구의 동향." 지체.중복.건강장애연구, 50.3(2007): 175-197

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