슬개대퇴통증증후군 환자의 체중부하운동 유형별
이용수 95
- 영문명
- The Difference of Electromyographic Activity of Lower Extremity among Weight-bearing Exercises in Patients with Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome
- 발행기관
- 대한운동학회
- 저자명
- 안근옥(Keun-Ok An) 조지훈(Ji-Hoon Cho)
- 간행물 정보
- 『아시아 운동학 학술지』제17권 제4호, 49~56쪽, 전체 8쪽
- 주제분류
- 예술체육 > 체육
- 파일형태
- 발행일자
- 2015.11.30
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국문 초록
영문 초록
[PURPOSE] The purpose of this study was to investigate analysis of difference of electromyographic activity on rectus femoris(RF), vastus medialis oblique(VMO), vastus lateralis(VL) and gluteus medius(GM) on type of weight-bearing in patients with patellofemoral pain syndorme. [METHODS]The subjects of this study were 13 female patients with patellofemoral pain syndorme 16 case(Right 8 case, Left 8 case) who are 20 - 30 years. The subjects of the study were rectus femoris, vastus medialis oblique, vastus lateralis and gluteus medius at-tached EMG electrodes to measure the electromyographic activity during weight-bearing exercise. Weight-bearing exercise was conducted half squat(HS), wall half squat(WHS), pillow wall half squat(PWHS) and single lim wall squat(SLWS). The inves-tigator measured and analyzed the factors related to iEMG of muscle and electromyographic activity ratio during four type weight-bearing exercise the experiment collected data through measures of one-way ANOVA with the statistical significance lev-el set at α=.05. [RESULTS] Weight-bearing exercise effective way to increase muscle activation of the VMO during weight-bear-ing eccentric contraction was shown to SLWS, weight-bearing exercise effective way to increase muscle activation of the GM were to PWHS. Second, weight-bearing exercise effective way to increase muscle activation of the GM during weight-bearing isometric contraction was shown to WHS and PWHS. Third, the weight-bearing concentric contraction of muscles during four kinds of effective weight-bearing exercise to increase muscle activation of specific muscles were not. [CONCLUSIONS] This study the results of the four type weight-bearing exercise according to the class of muscle contraction in the muscle activity with PFPS patients through each muscle was confirmed that the most efficient forms of exercise.
결론 및 제언
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