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19세기 조선백자 다기(茶器)의 美學과 禪연구

이용수 205

19th century, joseon white porcelain bowl aesthetics with Zen research - Wonkwang University Museum collection center -
조연숙(Jo, Yun-suk) 정은광(Jeong, Eun-kwang)
간행물 정보
『차문화산업학』제37집, 197~214쪽, 전체 18쪽
인문학 > 기타인문학

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Samkukji, a Chinese literature, and Koreans preference white Wheezie in dongijeon oseungjin of ‘a white dress and white next to godliness.’ or ‘在國衣尙白’.White porcelain tea culture in Korea is a writer, as arguments Chawan purity and south from where aesthetics is about what was focused on. But tea ceremony s spiritual 脈the latter part of Joseon Dynasty, Jha sinwi by Chusa Kim Jung-hee, Samyeong Daesa, lofty and the instrument it up with the view of the world and humanities, such as Buddhist.Clearly want to say how connected with the spirit of the seonmiak. Therefore, this listed on the chart of Wongwang University Museum s new One Study is around the new new meaning of the grant as well as the archetypal imagination.I guess it would be to pursue indicators. In other words using cobalt color of the Qing Dynasty porcelain of the Joseon Dynasty celadon of patterns and every vase or auspicious and patterned buncheong ware, including an arabesque again in a dragon.And clean up and go back to another flowering is true that last a stylish dansumham. This was a scholarly and reference the data that can see the spiritual depth of our culture of our culture I have a chance. Therefore, we got into a car culture is the simplicity is sneak into the midst of the spirit, not very orderly and depth of value orientation of the dreams and aesthetic point of view.교유하다 associate with siseowa, or 茗茶pursued by the framework of life know. the lives of the Joseon Dynasty. Let me take this opportunity to deeper research and wait for the form.


Ⅰ. 서 론
Ⅱ. 19세기 조선백자 다기 의 출발
Ⅲ. 조선백자의 선비 정신과 紫霞申緯
Ⅳ. 조선백자의 美學과 禪
Ⅴ. 결 론


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조연숙(Jo, Yun-suk),정은광(Jeong, Eun-kwang). (2017).19세기 조선백자 다기(茶器)의 美學과 禪연구. 차문화산업학, 37 , 197-214


조연숙(Jo, Yun-suk),정은광(Jeong, Eun-kwang). "19세기 조선백자 다기(茶器)의 美學과 禪연구." 차문화산업학, 37.(2017): 197-214

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