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한국 개신교회의 교파성과 연합 및 분열

이용수 398

Denominationalism of the Korean Protestant Church and Its Union and Schism
강근환(Keun whan Kang)
간행물 정보
『신학과교회』제4호, 149~180쪽, 전체 32쪽
인문학 > 종교학

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이번 『신학과 교회』제4호의 주제는 “한국 개신교회의 연합과 분열”이다. 이 주제 하에서 한국 개신교회의 교파성이 연합과 분열에 어떤 개연성을 가지고 있는가에 대한 고찰이 본 연구의 취지다. 본 연구는 크게 두 부분으로 나누어 전반부에서는 교파형성의 역사적 고찰과 후반부에서는 교파성의 연합과 분열에 대한 개연성을 살펴본다. 연구 대상으로는 한국 개신교회의 주류교파인 장로교와 감리교, 여타소교파로는 성공회, 성결교회 그리고 침례교회로 정하였다. 장로교회는 미국 남북 장로교, 호주장로교, 캐나다 장로교 등 3개국 4개 선교부들이 합동으로 장로교선교부공의회를 조직하여 한국에 하나의 장로교회를 세우겠다는 목적으로 연합적인 선교 활동을 실시한 끝에 1907년에 독노회를, 1912년에 총회를 조직하여 마침내 한국에 하나의 장로교 교파교회를 정착시켰다. 감리교회도 미국 남북 감리교회가 신학교육을 합동으로 실시한 끝에 1930년에 양 연회가 연합하여 하나의 교파교회로 대한감리교회를 설립하였다. 영국성공회의 선교로 시작된 한국성공회는 한국에 정착하여 오늘날까지 계속되고 있다. 성결교회와 침례교회는 교파선교가 아닌 독립 선교 활동으로 시작되었는데, 후에 점차 그 선교 활동이 발전하여 성결교회는 자주독립적인 교파교회가 되었고, 침례교회는 해방 후에 미국남 침례교회와 결연하여 한국침례교회로 발전하였다. 한국 개신교회의 교파 연합과 분열의 대표적인 양상은 장로교회에서 볼 수 있다. 3개국 4개 선교부의 선교로 이룩된 한국장로교회는 장로교선교부공의회를 중심으로 하나로 결집한 결과 독노회를 거처 총회 조직으로 발전하는 연합운동의 단초가 되었다. 이를 바탕으로 하여 더 나아가 감리교회와도 초교파적으로 연합하여 한국기독교회협의회와 세계교회로 진출하는 에큐메니칼 운동의 원동력이 되었다. 반면에, 선교부공의회 내의 주도적인 미국 교파 선교부들의 배타적인 획일적 보수일변도의 속박 하에서 상이한 신학배경의 선교부들의 신학성과 지역분계로 인한 지역성의 복합으로 말미암은 이질성은 결국 교파 분열을 후에 야기시킨 근본적인 요인이 되었다. 여기에서 우리는 한국 개신교회의 교파성의 연합과 분열이란 개연성을 확인하게 된다.

영문 초록

The theme of the fourth volume of Theology and Church is “Union and Schism of the Protestant Church in Korea.” Under this theme, to study the capability of union and schism of denominational churches of the Protestant Church in Korea is the end of this study. In this study, two major denominational churches, such as Presbyterian and Methodist Churches, will be mainly dealt with, and the other denominational churches, such as Anglican, Holiness, and Baptist Churches as minor. The Presbyterian missions in Korea organized the Council of Presbyterian Missions with 4 denominations of 3 nations, i.e., the South and North Presbyterian Churches of America, the Australian Presbyterian Church and the Presbyterian Church in Canada, looking toward the establishment of one Presbyterian Church in Korea. The Council of Missions combined with various missions was the origin of union and ecumenical movement of the Presbyterian Church and other Protestant Churches in Korea as well. Centering on the Council of Missions missionary joint actions together with theological education carried out missionary work effectively. On this basis it successfully developed into the constitution of the presbytery of the Presbyterian Church of Korea in 1907. And the establishment of the Korea Presbyterian Church with the organization of general assembly in 1912 led the churches to be a denominational church in Korea at last. The Methodist Church also was established as a denominational church through the union both of North and South Methodist Missions in Korea in 1930. The mission of British Anglican Church in Korea has been settled as the Anglican Church of Korea. Both of the Korea Evangelical Holiness Church and the Korea Baptist Church were not transplanted denominations originally. However, the Korea Evangelical Holiness was established in 1945 as a denominational church in Korea, having developed out of the Evangelical Hall Mission Movement since 1907. The Korea Baptist Church was established in 1949 as a denominational church and took relation with the Southern Baptist Church of America, though it was originated out of a independent mission. The representative case of union and schism in the Protestant Denominational Churches in Korea may be the Presbyterian Church which was established in 1912 originated out of the Council of Presbyterian Missions in Korea. The Mission Council centering on cooperative missionary joint action was developed even to organize presbytery and general assembly as well. On this basis the Korea Presbyterian Church was able to outreach toward ecumenical movement to work together with other denominational churches. The movement began from its cooperation with Methodist Church and the other denominational churches. Together they participated in the ecumenical organizations, e.g., NCC and WCC. Indeed it was the driving force of the ecumenical movement for the Presbyterian Church as well as other Protestant Churches in Korea. Actually it was the original factor of union of the denominational churches of the Protestant Church in Korea. On the other hand, however, in the exclusive standardized conservative theological atmosphere of the Korea Presbyterian Church, established out of the Council of Presbyterian Missions, schism within the Korea Presbyterian Church inevitably took place in the later phase. Because it was too hard to keep union of the Presbyterian Church along with different theological trends combined with theological education as well as territorial division of various background of denominational missions. Thus, it was also an original factor of schisms of the Presbyterian Church and denominational churches in the Protestant Church in Korea as well. In conclusion, through this study the capability of union and schism in the denominational churches of the Protestant Church in Korea could be certainly testified to a fact.


Ⅰ. 여는 말
Ⅱ. 교파형성
Ⅲ. 연합과 분열의 개연성
Ⅳ. 맺는말


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강근환(Keun whan Kang). (2015).한국 개신교회의 교파성과 연합 및 분열. 신학과교회, (4), 149-180


강근환(Keun whan Kang). "한국 개신교회의 교파성과 연합 및 분열." 신학과교회, .4(2015): 149-180

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