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동천왕 평양성시기 금관과 요서수복

이용수 597

The Golden Crown and the Recapturing of Yoseo during the King DongCheon’s Pyoung-yang Castle Period
박선희(朴仙姬)(Park, Sun-hee)
간행물 정보
『백산학보』第96號, 113~161쪽, 전체 49쪽
인문학 > 역사학

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요령성 북표현 방신촌 2호 무덤에서 3세기에서 4세기 무렵에 속할 것으로 추정되는 금제관식과 금제관테둘레가 출토되었다. 1960년대 쓰여진 첫발굴보고서는 방신촌 무덤 출토 유물의 성격이 고구려 문화의 특징을 가지고 있음을 설명하며 무덤주인의 국적을 北燕이라 하지 않았다. 그러나 1998년에 이르러 중국학자들은 까닭 없이 이 무덤을 북연의 무덤이라고 명명하기 시작한다. 뿐만 아니라 방신촌유적과 근접한 같은 시기 조양지역 여러 무덤들의 국적분류도 마찬가지였다. 그러나 이들 무덤에서 출토된 유물 성격은 모두 고구려적인 특징을 보이고 있어 새로운 고찰이 불가피하다. 이 유적들은 대부분 3세기 무렵에서 4세기 초기에 속한다. 그러면 왜 이시기 조양지역을 중심하여 고구려의 특징적 성격을 가지는 수준 높은 유적과 유물들이 집중되어있을까? 이 유적들이 조성된 시기는 고구려의 동천왕이 평양성으로 천도한 이후시기이다. 따라서 『삼국사기』·『구당서』·『신당서』·『괄지지』·『통전』·『수경주』등의 문헌자료에 기재된 내용을 근거로 평양성의 위치와 이 유적들의 관계를 새로이 규명하였다. 고구려가 동천왕시기 천도한 평양성의 위치를 밝히게 되면 방신촌 무덤과 조양지역 무덤들의 국적도 자연스럽게 알 수 있기 때문이다. 문헌자료에 대한 분석 과 다양한 유물들의 분석으로부터 동천왕이 천도한 평양성은 발해만 북부 지역이었음을 확인하였다. 아울러 동천왕시기 고구려가 금관을 만들었던 까닭을 밝혀보았다. 동천왕시기 고구려는 영토 확장과 함께 국력을 튼튼히 하여 적극적으로 서방을 향해 진출하기 시작했다. 이 시기에 고구려는 남쪽의 신라나 백제와는 거의 충돌이 없었다. 동천왕 시기의 금관은 건국초기부터 마련된 대내외적기반으로 요서지역에 본격적으로 진출하고자 하는 고구려 왕권의 강력한 의지를 보여주는 실질적인 구조물로서 당시대를 반영하는 정치적 유산이라 생각된다.

영문 초록

The golden crown and the head bands of the golden crown, which are estimated to have been made between the 3rd and the 4th century have been excavated from the tomb No.2 in Fangxin village, Beibiao area(xian), Liaoning. The first excavation report written in the 1960s concluded that the body from the tomb was not a heritage of Northern Yan, by explaining that the relics excavated from the tomb in Fangxin village reflects the cultural characteristics of Goguryeo. However, since 1998, Chinese scholars began to classify this tomb as a relic of the Northern Yan without any evidence. In addition, the heritage classifications made on the tombs through the relics excavated nearby Fangxin village and during the similar period such as Wangjabunsan tomb, Shipitaehang Yuantaejachon tomb, Jeonchogu tomb and Shipidaeyoungja Hangjeonyeok tomb in Chaoyang region were classified similarly. However, reinterpretation is required as the relics from these tombs have the characteristics of the Goguryeo era. These relics mostly belong from the 3rd century to the early years of the 4th century. Then, we need to analyze the reasons to why many high-level relics from the Chaoyang region possess cultural characteristics of Goguryeo. These relics were made after the king DongCheon had transferred the capital to Pyoung-yang castle, and the relationship between the location of the Pyoung-yang castle and these relics was newly investigated based on literatures in The Chronicles of the Three States, the Book of Tang, the New Book of Tang, the Kuodi Zhi, the Tong Dian, and the Shui Jing Zhu etc. The heritage of the tomb in Fangxin village and many tombs in Chaoyang region can be revealed if the location of the Pyoung-yang castle, which was transferred during the king DongCheon’s period, is found. With the in-depth analysis of various relics, the fact that there was no Lelang commandery of Hanxi commandery in Lelang region in Pyoung-yang was proved, and the fact that Pyoung-yang castle, which the king DongCheon had transferred to, was not in the place where we call it Pyoung-yang today, but in northern region near the Gulf of Pohai, was confirmed. We also made an investigation over the reason why Goguryeo people made golden crowns during the king DongCheon’s period. The golden crown directly symbolizes the royal authority therefore the investigation over the changes in the styles of artifacts that are closely related to it, is not simply limited to the interpretation of the sacred symbol of royal authority, but extended to the determination of political function of the golden crown which was exerted domestically and foreignly. During the king DongCheon’s period, Goguryeo started to actively proceed to the western region on the basis of territorial expansion by strengthening of national power. During this time Goguryeo barely had any conflicts with Silla in south, and Baekje at that time. Goguryeo avoided conflicts with Silla by establishing a vassal state relationship with Silla. In terms of Baekje, they tried to maintain the peace between the two countries by stating the logic that they are the same race. In conclusion, the golden crown in the king DongCheon period, is a substantive artifact which shows the powerful will of the Goguryeo royal power to proceed to Yoseo region in the fullest-scale, with the basis of domestic and foreign foundation which was developed since the beginning of the country establishment. Therefore it can be considered as a political legacy that reflects the very age.


Ⅰ. 고구려 금제관식과 관테 출현 시기
Ⅱ. 요령성 출토 금제관식 국적 재검토
Ⅲ. 동천왕시기 요서수복과 평양성위치
Ⅳ. 동천왕시기 금관의 정치기능


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박선희(朴仙姬)(Park, Sun-hee). (2013).동천왕 평양성시기 금관과 요서수복. 백산학보, (96), 113-161


박선희(朴仙姬)(Park, Sun-hee). "동천왕 평양성시기 금관과 요서수복." 백산학보, .96(2013): 113-161

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