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弓裔와 闍崛山門

이용수 237

Kungye and The Mount Dogul school
李璥馥(Lee, Kyeong-bok)
간행물 정보
『백산학보』第66號, 75~96쪽, 전체 22쪽
인문학 > 역사학

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This essay is about Buddhism in the period of Kungye's reign. Researches concerning the idea of Maitreya in that period are still in the centre of everyone's attention. The results of research show the oppression of Zen Buddhism by Kungye. But The Mount Dogul school(闍崛山門) can be called an exception. The Mount Dogul school is the most important exponent of Buddhism power in the period after Kungye has left for Sedal temple(世達寺) and during his centralized reign. All the researches have been made can be summarized as the following. Kungye has left for Sedal temple. Sedal temple is a Buddhist temple which belongs to The Mount Dogul school and teaches Buddhist doctrines such as Zen(禪)과 Hua-yen belief(華嚴思想) and Maitreya belief(彌勒思想). So Kungye had a chance to study the theory of Maitreya. In Sedal temple, Kungye gained his influence and invaded two temples i. e. Hengryeong temple(興寧寺) where/with Jeoljung(折中) and Sedal temple. After that Kungye marched into Myŏngju(溟州). At that time inside of the The Mount Dogul school there was a confrontation between Gaecheong(開淸) and Haengjeok(行寂). Among main discords of Gaecheong and Haengjeok there were such as origin, growth, disciples and etc. but the problem of master's Beomil(梵日) came to the fore. Gaecheong of Sagul temple(闍崛寺) didn't want to acknowledge Haengjeok as the master's Beomil successor. Gaecheong thought he was the only inheritor of Beomil as he also carried out the funeral ceremony of the master. Using these discords Kungye captured Chunchen area where Haengjeok had been dwelling. Kungye did that in order to start relations with Gaecheong. After getting military support from Gaecheong Kungye became an independent general. And he also got some military bases for advancing into west territories. Kungye undertook marches into the territories of P'aesŏ provinces. Especially, Kungye tryed to repel Yang gil(梁吉) and to collaborate with The local gentry of P'aesŏ(浿西豪族) and Wang kŏn(王建) family clans. But after Kungye has finished the process of centralizing his power, the existence of those clans became menacing. So Kungye started to watch carefully the influence they had on Buddhism. Kungye suppressed the power of Zen Buddhism, Wang kŏn clans connected with Zen Buddhism. But Gaecheong in The Mount Dogul school is shown as maintainer of Kungye's Buddhism policy. The power of Gaecheong is seen as the most important support of Maitreya-centralized Buddhism policy of Kungye.


Ⅰ. 머리말
Ⅱ. 弓裔의 出家와 世達寺
Ⅲ. 弓裔勢力의 成長과 佛敎勢力
Ⅳ. 弓裔의 泰封建國과 佛敎政策
Ⅴ. 맺음말


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李璥馥(Lee, Kyeong-bok). (2003).弓裔와 闍崛山門. 백산학보, (66), 75-96


李璥馥(Lee, Kyeong-bok). "弓裔와 闍崛山門." 백산학보, .66(2003): 75-96

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