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Effect of carbon sources on somatic embryogenesis and cotyledon number variations in carrot (Daucus carota L.)

이용수 14

Effect of carbon sources on somatic embryogenesis and cotyledon number variations in carrot (Daucus carota L.)
이용진 황규성 최필선
간행물 정보
『Journal of Plant Biotechnology』50권 2호, 89~95쪽, 전체 7쪽
농수해양 > 기타농수해양

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In order to investigate the effect of carbon sources on somatic embryogenesis and cotyledon number variations in carrot, embryogenic callus were cultured in the medium supplemented with various concentrations of sucrose or glucose, and with combination of 2% sucrose and various concentrations of mannitol or sorbitol. The maximum number of somatic embryos formed per flask (1,555.70) was obtained in the medium supplemented with 2% sucrose rather than glucose alone or a combination of mannitol or sorbitol and 2% sucrose, and the number of somatic embryos was decreased with the increasing of mannitol or sorbitol concentration. The frequencies of somatic embryos with two cotyledons were 35.14% for sucrose, 19.88% for glucose, 32.55% for mannitol + 2% sucrose, and 38.59% for sorbitol + 2% sucrose, respectively, and the frequencies of abnormal somatic embryos having 3 or more cotyledons were 64.86% for sucrose, 80.12% for glucose, 67.44% for mannitol + 2% sucrose, and 61.41% for sorbitol + 2% sucrose, respectively. Particularly, the frequency of somatic embryos with two cotyledons (59.16%) was the highest in the 2% sucrose medium compared to the frequency of abnormal somatic embryogenesis with three or more cotyledons, and the frequency gradually decreased with increasing concentration of glucose, mannitol or sorbitol. According to these results, it was found that the ratio of abnormal somatic embryo was higher than the normal somatic embryo in carrot, and was shown that somatic embryo- genesis and the cotyledon number was affected by the concentrations of sucrose, glucose as carbon source, and mannitol and sorbitol as osmotic agents in culture medium.


Materials and Methods
Results and Discussion


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이용진,황규성,최필선. (2023).Effect of carbon sources on somatic embryogenesis and cotyledon number variations in carrot (Daucus carota L.). Journal of Plant Biotechnology, 50 (2), 89-95


이용진,황규성,최필선. "Effect of carbon sources on somatic embryogenesis and cotyledon number variations in carrot (Daucus carota L.)." Journal of Plant Biotechnology, 50.2(2023): 89-95

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