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난화 상호 이야기법을 통한 미술치료가 아동의 부적응 행동에 미치는 효과

이용수 312

Effects of Art Therapy Using Mutual Scribble Story Making on Child's Maladaptive Behaviors
간행물 정보
『미술치료연구』제2권 제1호, 111~142쪽, 전체 32쪽
사회과학 > 심리학

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아동틀은 자신의 문제, 생각, 욕구에 대해서 언어화하는데 어려움올 가지고 있 다 또한 잠복기의 아동들의 경우 자신의 생각이나 감정을 직접적으로 표현하는데 강한 저항을 보이기도 한다 더우기 정서적 문제를 가지고 있는 아동들의 경우, 자 신의 문제, 생각, 욕구, 그리고 감정 들을 언어화하여 표출하는 것에 어려움을 가 지는 것은 물론이며 자신의 문제나 생각, 감정 둥올 논의하는데 있어서 강한 저항 을 보이는 것은 더욱 당연할지도 모른다 그러므로 많은 관련 학자들은 아동이 보이는 저항올 보다 완화시키면서, 아동과 의사소통할 수 있는 방법올 모색하기 위해서 노력해왔다. 비록 투사적 또는 준투 사적 검사들이 아동들에 대한 평가도구로서 이용되어 왔지만 치료적인 처치로서 는 체계적으로 이용되지 못했다 투사적인 방법들올 체계화하여 치료에 이용하기 위해서 여러 아동심리학자들이 노력해왔는데 그 가운데서 Winnicott (l 97 l)는 아동 들에게 은유적으로 의사소통할 수 있는 방법인 난화 (Squigglel를 소개했다. 이것은 치료자와 아동이 서로 상호 협동적으로 작업해 나가므로서 아동이 자신의 내적 사고와 감정들에 대한 의사소통올 확고히 할 수 있도록 하기 위한 것이었다

영문 초록

Children with emotional problems have difficulties in communicating and expressing their own problems, thoughts, and needs and show strong resistances in discussing their problems However, scribble has highly been evaluated for the effects that it could help these children freely communicate and express their unconcious thoughts and feelings with therapists through creative production made in co-works. The purpose of the present study was to investigate the effects scribble might improve child' inadequate behaviors. The child served as subject was a male, over 12-year-old. He has had some maladaptive problems in his life (1) tendency not to clear or arrange things(toys, school supplies etc.l he used, (2) playing with a dangerouse knife, gimblet, and driver, and (3) a poor attitude to attend to his study. Scribble was given to this child, 45 rninutes session, once every week for 9months. KEDI-WISC, HTP(House-Tree-Person), and LMT(Landscape Montage Test) were administered to assess the present state of the child prior to therapy. To evaluate theraputic effects, he has been evaluated for HTP and LMT with pretest and post-test, as well as this parent and family members were asked to observe his behaviors Through the above mentioned procedures following conclusions were drawn First, the child’s behaviors were improved to clear and arrange things he used with. Second, the child’s behaviors playing with a dangerouse knife, gimblet, and driver was decreased and fully disappeared by therapy terminal period. Finally, a poor attitude attending to his study was improved. His rank was in the 8th in school. And his scores was 92 that was examined by therapy terminal period. In addition, 'mutual scribble story making' was taught interaction and communication with maladaptive child.



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김동연,공마리아. (1995).난화 상호 이야기법을 통한 미술치료가 아동의 부적응 행동에 미치는 효과. 미술치료연구, 2 (1), 111-142


김동연,공마리아. "난화 상호 이야기법을 통한 미술치료가 아동의 부적응 행동에 미치는 효과." 미술치료연구, 2.1(1995): 111-142

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