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獼猴桃의 기원과 효능에 대한 고찰

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A Study on the Origin and Efficacy of Mihoutao
안진희(Jinhee Ahn) 백유상(Yousang Baik)
간행물 정보
『대한한의학원전학회지』38권 1호, 103~133쪽, 전체 31쪽
의약학 > 한의학

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1:1 문의
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국문 초록

Objectives : In this study, the origin and efficacy of Mihoutao were examined. The context in which Lee Jema used it in the Taeyang constitution disease patterns was examined as well. Methods : To study the origin and efficacy of Mihoutao, texts mentioned in contemporary material medica were studied, followed by the Donguibogam, Donguisusebowon and Sasang Constitution related texts. In terms of herbological contents, Chinese and Korean online database were referenced. In terms of their connection with contemporary understanding, academic papers were referenced. Results & Conclusions : According to plant taxonomy, Mihoutao is categorized into Ruanzao Mihoutao and Zhonghua Mihoutao. The Mihoutao described in the Donguibogam and Donguisusebowon is the Darae plant domestic to the Korean peninsula, which was referred to as Ruanzao by China. In Korea and China, Actinidia arguta and Actinidia chinensis are known as Mihoutao, respectively. While their names are different, they share commonalities as vines, whose fruit is sour and sweet. Meanwhile, they are different in height, size of fruit, color, and fuzz. The nature and flavor is generally sweet, sour and cold which helps eliminate stagnated inner heat. Effects range from managing the center and smoothing qi, eliminating wind-dampness to lowering qi, detoxification and killing parasites. In the case of Ruanzao, its tonifying effects are stronger than Mihoutao, resulting in collecting qi and producing fluid and liquids. In Sasang Constitution Medicine, Mihudo(Ruanzao) treats Taeyang constitution disease pattern in which the effects of its sweet and sour flavor acts to create cool qi that fortifies qi and fluids to treat the pathological symptoms. The properties of Ruanzao Mihoutao matches largely with contemporary scientific findings of its effects, having much potential for wide application in the future.

영문 초록


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안진희(Jinhee Ahn),백유상(Yousang Baik). (2025).獼猴桃의 기원과 효능에 대한 고찰. 대한한의학원전학회지, 38 (1), 103-133


안진희(Jinhee Ahn),백유상(Yousang Baik). "獼猴桃의 기원과 효능에 대한 고찰." 대한한의학원전학회지, 38.1(2025): 103-133

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